United Way of Ventura County — We Champion the Underserved

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President's Message

Dear Friends,

Do you believe that a local, autonomous United Way in Ventura County is as vital today as it was when it was founded in 1945? Let me share with you why I do. Over 351,000 households in Ventura County struggle to meet basic needs. That’s roughly 25% of our community, and they need our help. The good news is they have you, our local community champions who demonstrate what it means to be of service.

Today, we’re asking you to rise to the occasion and help us close our end of year gap goal of $17,000. Your donation will ensure that we continue to thrive in uncertain times and plan for tomorrow.

Imagine all children having access to a dental home and no longer suffering from pain and lack of concentration in the classroom. Imagine a struggling family receiving an Earned Income Tax Credit refund that enabled them to pay their rent and utilities. Imagine a senior calling 2-1-1 for relief and receiving much needed help. Tears are dried, solutions are provided and resources are accessed. But all that is only possible because of your continued support and service.

Together, united, we champion the underserved.  We do it because our calling today is the same as it was 72 years ago when we opened our doors. We are there for those in need when they need us most. And, we thank you for being a champion.

Eric Harrison 
President & CEO 
United Way of Ventura County