United Way of Santa Barbara County Will Distribute $2.6 Million of CARES Act Funding

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) Economic Stimulus Bill Makes Available New Funding for COVID-19 Response Efforts 

SANTA BARBARA — In partnership with the County of Santa Barbara, the City of Santa Barbara, and the City of Goleta, United Way of Santa Barbara County is offering rental assistance and other disaster response grants to eligible individuals and families. The funds were through federal grants received from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

In total, $2.6 million has been awarded to United Way to manage and provide emergency rental assistance grants and other disaster response funding to our county’s most vulnerable individuals and families.

“The pandemic has highlighted the precarious financial situation and extreme stress many County residents are experiencing,” said Steve Ortiz, President & CEO of United Way. “Every day we hear from local individuals who have lost work and cannot afford rent, food, medicines, or other necessary bills due to the current health crisis. Thanks to our partners, the County of Santa Barbara, the City of Santa Barbara, and the City of Goleta, many of these individuals can now meet these basic needs.”

Eligible applicants for these grants must meet specific requirements. New funding opportunities include:

The County of Santa Barbara Rental Assistance — $2,000,000 will provide rental assistance for income-qualified individuals living in unincorporated parts of Santa Barbara County. To apply, visit: https://www.unitedwaysb.org/rental-assistance

County of Santa Barbara Disaster Assistance — $200,000 will provide grants to support the safe isolation of individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 The Public Health Department will directly refer individuals who have tested positive to UWSBC.

City of Santa Barbara Rental Assistance — $352,965 has been awarded to provide rental assistance for individuals living in City of Santa Barbara. Due to high demand, these funds have been fully allocated; however, City of Santa Barbara residents in need may be eligible for funding through the COVID-19 Joint Response Effort. To apply, visit www.unitedwaysb.org/covid-19-response-grants.

City of Goleta Emergency Grants — $42,676 will provide emergency financial assistance for income-qualified senior citizens living in City of Goleta. To apply, visit: www.unitedwaysb.org/covid-19-response-grants

Through the COVID-19 Joint Response Effort for Santa Barbara County, United Way, Santa Barbara Foundation, and Hutton Parker Foundation have been partnering since March 2020 to address local community needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 Joint Response Effort has already provided COVID-19 related assistance grants totaling more than $4 million to 2,000 individuals and 127 non-profit organizations.

To learn more about United Way’s COVID-19 response activities, visit: www.unitedwaysb.org/covid19.

About United Way of Santa Barbara County — United Way of Santa Barbara County (UWSBC) has the unique and positive vision that “in our community, everyone has a hopeful future.” Since 1923, UWSBC has served Santa Barbara County community through funding, volunteer development, and by utilizing its own unique initiatives that involve dozens of local nonprofit and public sector agencies. UWSBC’s local community driven Power of Partnership™ priorities help children, families and seniors with a focus on Education, Income and Health. To learn more, please visit unitedwaysb.org.