Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions at SBCC School of Extended Learning

SANTA BARBARA — A new year is coming and with it the hopes, dreams – and challenges – that come with New Year’s resolutions. With over one thousand classes for your life or career goals, SBCC School of Extended Learning offers the structure, encouragement and community to succeed in any resolution. Spring classes begin January 13, with new Tuition-Free and Fee-Based options beginning each week through May 9.

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“When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, you don’t have to go it alone,” said Dr. Melissa Moreno, Vice President, SBCC School of Extended Learning. “We hope everyone in our community will look to Extended Learning as a partner in their success.”

1,063 spring classes, including more than 20 brand new offerings, bring retirees, working professionals and many others together to reach their potential in the new year.

Here are ideas for classes to boost the top ten New Year’s resolutions:


* Health and Wellness: For Older Adults HEAL NC011 (Tuition-Free)
Focus on the importance of exercise and nutrition in maintaining independence, safety and well being.

* Your Nutrition and the Environment HEAL NC025 (Tuition-Free)
Learn how ‘earth friendly foods’ can improve physical and emotional health, and about environmentally sustainable diets.

* (NEW!) Naturopathic Medicine – Science and Nature Working Together HEAL NC096 (Tuition-Free)
Learn how diet, clinical nutrition, lifestyle and state of mind influence genetic expression and cell communication, and which foods provide benefits and which foods to avoid.

* (NEW!) A New Twist on Fitness: Foundation Training ID 23368, $78
With the accent on feeling good, Foundation Training is a simple solution that gives you the means to change the way you move and correct the imbalances caused by our modern habits.

* World Dance Workout ID 23131, $138
Fun, invigorating, inspiring workout to beautiful music from around the world!

* Strength and Stability for Active Seniors ID 23205, $30 – $60
Intended for older adults but appropriate for anyone who wants to increase muscle tone and improve balance and mobility.


* (NEW!) Clean Eating: What to Eat and How to Cook It ID 23166, $56
Take control of your health with each clean bite you eat.

* Fragrant Feast: Indian Vegetarian Menu ID 23201, $79
Master the delicious, authentic vegetarian dishes of India.


* Setting up QuickBooks for Small Business ACTV NC001 (Tuition-Free)
Learn the basics of small business bookkeeping using QuickBooks, financial reporting, and how to analyze and record financial transactions..

* Create a Retirement Lifestyle with Meaning and Purpose ID 23230, $42.00
The Baby Boomer generation is living longer during retirement. Explore exciting opportunities to creatively begin your next chapter.

* Staging Your Home to Sell ID 23181, $12.00
Did you know that staged homes sell for up to 50 percent more and 3 times more quickly than un-staged homes? Discover how to capitalize on your one chance to sell.

* Getting Started, Getting Good and Getting Your Fiction Published: For Older Adults CREO NC642 (Tuition-Free)
Learn vital techniques to develop your individual narrative voice as a path to effective, publishable fiction.


Four NEW Tuition-Free Classes in Creative Art for Older Adults that are great for beginners or students with more experience:

* Basic Printmaking: For Older Adults CRAO NC165 (Tuition-Free)
Learn the history of printmaking and skills to create, revise and assess an original print.

* Beginning Drawing, Introduction to the Human Figure CRAO NC 277 (Tuition-Free)
Basic drawing skills are explored through practice and demonstration to make successful drawings. Enjoy the social interaction and critical thinking aspects inherent in group studio arts classes for older adults.

* Floral Design – Florist Style CRAO NC 713 (Tuition-Free)
Learn the design techniques and applications used by professional florists – for professionals or at-home applications.

* Clay Portraiture CRAO NC853 (Tuition-Free)
Come sculpt a portrait in clay. Focus on techniques and skills needed to analyze and sculpt the facial features, neck, and shoulders.


* Nature and Self-Healing—Beginning: For Older Adults SLFO NC003 (Tuition-Free)
Explore self-discovery and self-healing techniques, nutrition and stress management techniques.

* How Meditation Helps – Mindfulness in Everyday Life: For Older Adults SLFO NC039 (Tuition-Free)
Meditation is a practice that can help older adult students greet the challenges and joys of aging with greater courage, acceptance, and clarity. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome.

* Get Guidance from Your Higher Self ID 23149, $35.00
Discover how easy it is to enter a relaxed state of trance and receive guidance from your Inner Wisdom Team about next steps in your life.


* Survey of Literary Classics: For Older Adults CREO NC497 (Tuition-Free)
Take this opportunity with guidance to read, analyze, evaluate and discuss literary classics; place modern experience in a historical context and view historical events with a modern perspective.

* Modern and Classic Short Stories: For Older Adults CREO NC120 (Tuition-Free)
Take this opportunity to enter into a sustained close reading of texts, allowing for a fuller exploration of the art of each work.


* Career Skills Institute (Tuition-Free)
Do something special for yourself and your future – earn a career certificate this Spring. The School of Extended Learning Career Skills Institute offers more than 100 of our short courses this spring that have been carefully selected to provide the training you need to get a job, advance in your job and/or provide you skills you need to grow your business.

Choose from these life-changing certificates, Personal Care Attendant, Research Specialist Certificate, Workplace Essentials Certificate, Career Strategist Certificate, Green Gardener and many more. All Career Skills Institute classes are Tuition-Free.

* Adult High School / GED / Bilingual GED (Tuition-Free)
The Adult High School (AHS) Diploma Program is designed for adults who want to earn their high school diploma or equivalency. This is your first step to higher education, job opportunities or new career path: individualized and small group instruction, work at your own pace, start at any time, hours are flexible, classes are free.

* English as a Second Language (Tuition-Free)
Build your English language skills to advance your career and education opportunities. All levels welcome, from Beginner to Advanced,. Vocational English Certificates are also available.


Spend quality time with your infants, toddlers, and pre-school age children in our acclaimed Parenting Skills and Parent Child Workshop program. Classes include:

* Growing Times I, II and III ECEP NC160, ECEP NC164, ECEP NC165 (Tuition-Free)
Parents and caregivers with children two to three years of age meet weekly to learn to develop a safe and stimulating environment with age appropriate activities for toddlers.

* Parents and Kids in Parks ECEP NC056 (Tuition-Free)
Meet in local parks and learn how to participate with your 2 1/2 to 5 year old child in age-appropriate activities to enhance children’s development and strengthen parent/child relationships.

* Parent-Child Workshops ECEP NC011
The Tuition-Free Parent-Child Workshop program is offered in coordination with affordable co-op-like childcare with locations convenient to Goleta, Santa Barbara and Carpinteria.

Looking for an alternative to happy hour or movie binging? Try one of these social dance classes, or take a baking, singing, writing or beginning art class together.

* Ballroom for Life – Get Those Joints Moving ID 23165, $96.00
Experience different dances, learn the basics, improve fitness, focus, laugh, and just all around have a good time.

* Dance the Salsa: First Steps ID 23100, $135.00
Stop watching everyone else have fun on the dance floor. Get out there and join in, in this encouraging and fun environment.


* Time Management PROW NC003 (Tuition-Free)
Explore time management strategies and tools for effectively managing expanding workloads, shifting priorities, and increasing demands.

* Project Management for Non Project Managers PROW NC010 (Tuition-Free)
This course is for anyone who wants to know how to manage tasks or small projects with a structured approach to ensure success.

* Increasing Productivity PROW NC038 (Tuition-Free)
Explore, dissect and analyze personal productivity factors to develop an individualized plan optimizing your effectiveness in both your professional and personal lives.


* Body Mind Wakeup Call ID 23110, 23110, 23112, 23113, $33 – $58
Find it harder to get up in the morning? Is your mind a bit fuzzy? This fun class is geared to awaken you to become more fully engaged in thinking, being and doing.

* Adventures in Self Esteem: For Older Adults SLFO NC021 (Tuition-Free)
Learn how to increase self-esteem and build more effective communication skills while regaining control and empower you to be in charge of you life.

Classes & Workshops Start Every Week

A quick reminder that Extended Learning classes & workshops start every week throughout the semester. Our classes for Older Adults, while designed for those 55 and over, are open to adult students of all ages.

Application and registration is required and can most conveniently be completed in person at the Wake Campus at 300 N. Turnpike Road or Schott Campus at 310 W. Padre St. Registration is also available online at

About the SBCC School of Extended Learning: The School of Extended Learning responds to the diverse learning needs of the adult population in the Santa Barbara community by advancing career and life skills, and building bridges to credit.