Take Care Totes Coming to Members on June 25 from Friendship Center

Special Call to Action
Coming to our members Tomorrow…
Here’s some more feedback from our members about the totes:
“I went through it all with my parents & they were really happy. We are running low on Kleenex & were out of napkins… [Dad] was most excited about the Kleenex! He said “oh great! I can use one of those now!” You just never know what will excite people the most”
“You guys do know how to pick people up when they are down! [Dad] really did need a smile today”
“What you are doing for all of us is amazing. You tell us we are your family and really do treat us like it, too”
“This was unexpected and unnecessary but so, so helpful to us at this time. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts”
“Thank you for what you are doing, it means a lot to know someone is thinking of us”
“This was the first time I’ve cried happy tears (and I cry a lot) in a while”