‘Take a Hungry Person to Lunch’ to be held at participating Ventura restaurant on Nov. 17

nov-17VENTURA — TAKE A HUNGRY PERSON TO LUNCH at a participating downtown Ventura restaurant Thursday, Nov 17 10:30 am – 2 pm in recognition of National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week: November 12-20 Meet Thursday., Nov. 17, at 10:30 a.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura, 5654 Ralston.

Hear from a woman who taught school before becoming homeless and lived in the river bottom and the couple who took her to lunch. Hear how their meeting helped lead to her being housed once more. Hear about the many things people who are homeless hunger for besides food – a look in the eye, a friendly smile, a hot shower and clean clothes, a chance to feel normal, the treat of dining out. Learn about homelessness and its root causes.

Then meet the individual you (and a friend, if you like) will get to know over lunch in a comfortable environment at a local restaurant. Many of those who have participated in past years say it was a life-changing experience. National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week comes at a time we are all thinking about what we are thankful for. It is a perfect time to share our compassion with our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness, and work toward a world where no one has to experience Hunger and Homelessness.

To eradicate homelessness, we must take action that has an impact on its causes. Come meet someone who is experiencing homelessness. Learn what you can do to improve policy, help service providers, and be an important part of the solution.

Come back to the UU Church for a follow-up session on Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 9:30. It’s a chance to reflect on your experience, share with others who participated, and learn more about what you can do to be part of the solution.

Sponsored by Lift Up Your Voice, a ministry of the UU Church of Ventura

Contact Kathy Powell kathypurpleprincess@gmail.com or (805) 910-8860 for further info. and to sign up to be a host.