Message From Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson |
In contrast to the gridlock and dysfunction in Washington and the White House, the California Legislature has had an extraordinarily productive year. We passed Senate Bill 1, which invests $54 billion over the next decade in our roads, freeways, bridges and public transit. We passed a number of bills to address the significant affordable housing crisis this state faces. We extended the state’s landmark greenhouse gas reduction program known as cap and trade, and protected our immigrant communities through the California Values Act, which ensures that state and local resources are not diverted away from local public safety needs. We passed a park bond to improve park access, water quality and flood protection, and a state budget that raises per pupil spending to the highest level in California history. Now that the legislative session has come to end, I wanted to share some of the legislation and work I have been doing.
Governor Brown Signs Senator Jackson’s Bill to Cap Old, Leaky Oil Wells
in Coastal Waters |

There are few things more upsetting than seeing our beautiful coastal waters contaminated by old, leaky oil wells. My bill, SB 44, the Coastal Oil Well Clean Up and Remediation Act, was signed by the Governor last month. It will require the California State Lands Commission to plug old “orphaned” oil wells in California waters after the original oil company which operated the well is found to be out of business and no longer legally responsible or liable. Recent survey work by the California State Lands Commission identified approximately 200 of these orphaned “legacy” wells off the coast of Santa Barbara. The bill will appropriate $2 million dollars annually to the State Lands Commission to begin the process of finally cleaning up and capping these abandoned oil wells once and for all. Read more here.
Providing Job-Protected Parental Leave for More Families |

State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson celebrates SB 63 at a signing ceremony with Governor Jerry Brown and members of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus.
I’ve long believed that no one should have to choose between caring for a newborn and keeping their job. My bill, SB 63, the New Parent Leave Act, will require companies with at least 20 employees provide 12 weeks of job-protected maternity and paternity leave. Under current law, workers employed for larger companies of 50 or more already enjoy job protection and continued health coverage. The bill was one of several priority bills of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus. Thanks to the governor’s signature, the bill will now benefit approximately 2.7 million more Californians who wish to bond with their newborn. This bill is a huge win for working families and our future generations. It will go into effect January 1, and allow more people to take advantage of California’s Paid Family Leave Program, which provides partial wage replacement for caregiving responsibilities. Learn more about the Paid Family Leave Program.
Governor Brown Signs Bill to Protect the Privacy of Domestic Violence Survivors |
Last month, Governor Jerry Brown signed my bill SB 331, a key piece of legislation that provides confidentiality measures between domestic violence counselors on college campuses and domestic violence survivors. University of California President Janet Napolitano lauded the decision saying “Guaranteeing privileged communications between domestic violence victims and their campus counselors will further encourage an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality while alleviating many fears and concerns about seeking help.” The bill will take effect January 1.
Read Napolitano’s full statement here.
Veterans Will Receive the Help They Need |

Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson meets with district veterans in Lompoc and Camarillo.
Our veterans and active duty military play a vital role in protecting our freedoms and serving our country. My bill, SB 725, was signed by the Governor and clarifies that military veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health disorders associated with their service in the military are eligible for pretrial diversion programs for misdemeanor DUIs, thus ensuring they get the help they need sooner and more effectively. Read more here.
The Imminent Threat of a Megaquake in California |
As the Chair of the Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Management, I held a series of hearings this summer to examine the potential impacts of a MegaQuake — defined as larger than 8.0 on the Richter scale- on California. It is likely California will experience a MegaQuake within the next 30 years. To prepare an emergency kit and for more information, visit CalOES.
Encouraging Youth Civic Participation |

Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson speaks at Santa Maria High School with Secretary of State Alex Padilla.
One of my favorite parts of being a public official is encouraging our youth to be more engaged in our democratic process. Recently, I joined California Secretary of State Alex Padilla at Santa Maria High School to speak to thousands of students about the importance of voting. Thanks to my bill, SB 113, which was signed into law in 2014,eligible 16 and 17-year-olds now have the opportunity to pre-register to vote. Once they turn 18, they will automatically be registered to vote. We need more engaged citizens in our state and country. View more information
Puente Power Project in Oxnard May Not Happen After All |

Senator Hanna-Beth Jackson joins activists at a rally against the proposed Puente Power proposal in Oxnard.
I have long opposed the proposed Puente Power Project in Oxnard because of the environmental and environmental justice impacts of this project. Recently, we’ve received important news. NRG, the company behind the proposed new power plant on the Oxnard coast, announced it has withdrawn its proposal from review by the California Energy Commission (CEC) casting significant doubt on the future likelihood of the project. Though our efforts to stop the Puente proposal are not over, this is an important step forward. As climate change reaches a tipping point, we must reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and reevaluate how we procure energy, so that we can meet the energy needs of our state while achieving our clean energy goals. I cannot thank enough Oxnard Mayor Pro Tem Carmen Ramirez, Assembly member Monique Limon, community members and many others for voicing their concerns on this issue. It is through their efforts, and, most importantly, through your voicing your opinion, that we have been able to push back against building yet another polluting plant on our treasured coastline.
I hope you’ll join me in celebrating these important milestones for California. As always, feel free to contact me by email, and follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson
State Senator, 19th Senate District |