Standard & Poor’s gives highest rating to County’s Treasury Pool

VENTURA — Ventura County Treasurer/Tax Collector Steven Hintz has announced that Standard & Poor’s has reaffirmed its “AAAf” and “S1+” ratings of the Ventura County Treasury Pool.

“Standard & Poor’s conducts a careful examination and analysis of the portfolio. The process is almost like an audit,” said Hintz. “I am extremely pleased and proud to receive this affirmation of the hard work, dedication, and due diligence displayed by the Investment Work Group of my Office. It is a privilege to manage the investment pool for our portfolio participants and for the citizens of Ventura County.”

The Ventura County Treasury Portfolio supports local governments, agencies and school districts within Ventura County. Hintz, as the Treasurer/Tax Collector, actively manages the portfolio by performing an ongoing analysis of investment opportunities, and by planning, coordinating and controlling the investment activities under California law and the County’s internal investment guidelines.

According to Standard & Poor’s, the County’s Treasury Portfolio was reaffirmed to receive the top ratings due to the safety of the principal investments, its liquidity and a competitive rate of return. The portfolio is comprised of securities that are very creditworthy, low risk and liquid. The complete analysis for the ratings can be found on the company’s website at