Social Justice Fund presenting community bus tour on July 23

Participants in the 2010 Social Justice Fund for Ventura County bus tour. Photo courtesy of the Social Justice Fund of Ventura County

Tour focuses on youth creating change

The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County (SJF) will take to the road in its third annual community tour on Saturday, July 23.

This year’s tour, “On the Road to Change III: Youth at the Wheel,” takes guests around the county, from Camarillo to Oxnard to Fillmore, exploring venues where young people do social justice work to create change in their communities, the organization reported in a media release.

The theme “youth as agents of change” is illustrated through the work of young community organizers from Arts for Action, Future Leaders of America and One Step a la Vez.

The tour departs at 9 a.m. from the Ventura County Community Foundation, 1317 Del Norte Road, Camarillo.

The tour begins with a visit to the new office and studio space of Arts for Action in downtown Oxnard, including an exhibit by young Latina artists who are encouraged to find their voice and advocate for change through the visual arts, the fund reported.

Youth from Future Leaders will then share the challenges faced by Latino students in their schools and their unique approach to leadership development.

The new Teen Center in Fillmore — the result of years of planning and advocacy by youth from One Step a la Vez — features a lunchtime presentation of its recent efforts to create safety in schools for gay teens and to address transportation equity for those living along the Highway 126 corridor.

“Join us on the bus if you can make it.  The tour is a rare opportunity to see SJF’s community investments at work and to spend a few hours (from 8:30 until 1:30, including lunch at the One Step Teen Center) with a group of young people who have stepped into leadership in our area,” Doug Green, chair of the Steering Committee for the Social Justice Fund of Ventura County.

There is a suggested donation of $35 per person. Transportation and a continental breakfast and lunch are provided.

For reservations, call Lindsay Smith at 805.988.0196, ext. 115. Visit for more information.