Social Justice Fund for Ventura County says goodbye to our Ex Dir Martita Martinez-Bravo, PsyD

SJFVC sadly says goodbye to

our Executive Director


Martita Martinez-Bravo, PsyD

We have recently received news that Dr. Martita Martinez-Bravo has decided to pursue other endeavors. Dr. Martita Martinez-Bravo has served as our executive director for more than 4 years. Martita has been a key contributor to the Fund’s growth. Under her leadership, we rolled out our Social Justice Fellowship program. This program has successfully funded 8 Fellows and helped two emerging social justice organizations incorporate as non-profits.

Dr. Martinez-Bravo has a deep passion for social justice. She used her skills to build and nurture relationships to help increase the SJFVC’s visibility and efforts throughout Ventura County. We are saddened to see our colleague and dear friend leave the Fund; however, we are also very happy and excited to see Dr. Martinez-Bravo take her next steps and pursue other ventures close to her heart. The Board of the SJFVC thanks Dr. Martinez-Bravo for her dedication and passion for justice. We wish her the best in all her future endeavors.

The board will initiate a search to fill the Executive Director role immediately. We will also continue with our Social Justice Fellowship program by sending out a call for letters of interest in July for our 2022 cohort of Social Justice Fellows.


Michael Teasdale,

Social Justice Fund for VC

Rabiah Rahman

Vice Chair,
Social Justice Fund for VC

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