Social Justice Fund for Ventura County Fellow Update


Our Fellows are getting deeper into their projects, and some have already held workshops or events.

Let me take you step-by-step through a recent workshop I attended led by one of our Fellows, Diego Magaña!

1. We were each assigned a particular native plant seed, and had to briefly read about the conditions our plant prefers. I received Daucus Pusillus, a type of wild carrot.

2. Once we learned more about our plant, we filled a plastic bag with soil and water to help with the propagation process. Because my seeds were larger, they needed more soil and water than others.

3. Next, we labeled our bag and had to be very meticulous in making sure that we wrote down the correct timeline for our native plant – some plants need three weeks of cold stratification in the refrigerator and some need two months! We were in charge of ensuring the right timeline and noting the dates for our plant’s next steps.

4. As we added our seed dates into a group calendar and labeled our items, we discussed the details and “personalities” of each of our native plants and discussed types of native plants in southern California.

5. After we completed our preparing our seeds for cold stratification, we replanted tiny sunflowers into their own containers. At Diego’s workshops, participants get to be a part of different parts of the propagation cycle.

Overall, this workshop taught me about how each native plant has different needs and illuminated the process of cold stratification. More importantly, this workshop gave me a chance to meet other members of the community and to build something alongside them. The plants will be used for an installation of a mini nature reserve to bring native plants back to Oxnard. Thank you Diego for creating opportunities for the community to build something together that will continue to grow and flourish.

With sincere gratitude,

Kathryn Kinberg

Program Manager
Social Justice Fund for VC

The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County funds and empowers future leaders
promoting fairness, equity, human & environmental rights in our community.


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