September/October 2022 Friendly Finch Friendship Center’s Bi-Monthly Newsletter

September/October 2022 Issue
Letter from Heidi
10th Annual Wine Down – Thank You for Your Support!
Mary Oakley Respite Stipend
Take a LEAP!
Gratitude Corner
“To accomplish anything in life, you need a direction, a road map. Know where you’re going and success is inevitable!” –Sanjay Gupta
We’re back on the map and on the road again! Our members have been gathering on site for some time now, and there is music and fun in the air! What does it mean to be a successful and effective nonprofit? The definition of success often comes down to one central question: “Did we achieve our mission?” More than that, though, did we reach the people we set out to serve, and did we do it in a way that enables us to serve well into the future? My answer to this question is a very resounding ”Yes!” In our latest family caregiver survey, 85% of our membership indicated that their physical, emotional, and social needs were met by our program. In addition, 92% of our caregivers indicated that they encountered peace of mind knowing that their family member was in good hands and in a safe environment at the Center.
We know the need for our services in our community is great and therefore we are serving more members every day, and for their caregivers they get time to themselves. Our road map is mission driven… “Friendship Center offers engaging activities that promote socialization, wellbeing, and a sense of community for aging adults. Caregivers receive respite, support, and education, enabling them to achieve balance in their lives.” I guarantee our program would not be as successful as it is without our dedicated staff, board, and volunteers that have contributed to our services. All of us affiliated with the Center are happy to be on the road again and embracing the journey!
With gratitude,
Friendship Center celebrated its 10th Annual Wine Down on September 8th, 2022, from 4 to 7pm, outdoors at our Montecito Center’s beautiful courtyard. This delicious and delightful event brought patrons together to enjoy an evening of great local wines and beer, along with mouthwatering hors d’oeuvres and live music, all for a good cause!
It was wonderful to see people so appreciative toward what we do and the people we serve. All contributions raised funds for LEAP, our Life Enrichment Activity Program, providing music, movement and excursion programs for seniors with dementia, led by local entertainers and instructors, engaging our members in mind, body, and spirit.
The live and silent auction, direct LEAP donations, and ticket sales combined raised $53,346, for which we are most grateful! Since our goal is to purchase a much needed van so that we can continue to offer excursions for our members, we are still accepting LEAP donations to hopefully match the $25K gift made toward this effort.
Friends: Thank you for joining us and making this event WONDERFUL, and for supporting Friendship Center in all the ways that you do!
Mary Oakley Respite Stipends Available through Friendship Center
Friendship Center is home to the Mary Oakley Stipend Program.
These stipends help caregivers focus on self-care, take a break, or just get away for a weekend.
If you provide care to a person with dementia, are a long-term resident
of the Tri Counties, and the care recipient has or is in the process of applying for Medi-Cal, then you may qualify for this grant opportunity. The person must also be considered to have low resources and/or be able to demonstrate challenges or barriers to receiving care.
If you would like further information please contact the Friendship Center
at 805-969-0859.
You can also contact:
This has been made possible by funds generously provided by the
Mary Oakley Foundation.
Take a LEAP!
An Exploration in Friendship Center’s Life Enrichment Activity Program
Friendship Center has faithfully served our senior members through every transition we have experienced together, including these past few years in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the desire to decrease isolation and increase our members’ engagement with their community and peers, Friendship Center has reimagined focus on LEAP (Life Enrichment Activity Program).
LEAP delivers EXACTLY what health professionals recommended for seniors experiencing dementia and cognitive decline: an effective way to communicate and engage elders whose language and motor skills are less active and are unable to receive information in the same way. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other scholarly studies have proven that music and movement are key ways to reach the active brain receptors and spark their joy! Our organization makes it a PRIORITY to provide this stimulation for our members.
Members enjoying the Santa Barbara Historical Museum’s Project Fiesta Exhibit
Nick and Tom enjoying some pet therapy with Santa Barbara Party Animals
LEAP comprises of performances from paid musicians, classes with live senior fitness instructors, petting zoos, and excursions around the Santa Barbara community! Most recently at our Wine Down event, LEAP money was raised to go toward a new van to increase the accessibility and frequency of excursions. We are thankful for the many people who help to provide this vital interactive communication and connection to seniors, and hope for continued growth!
Click the sticker above to donate to LEAP!
Gratitude Corner
Thank You, Jeffrey Krutzsch!
Jeffrey goes above and beyond his role on Friendship Center’s Board of Directors. Every week he picks up lunches for our members, assists with every event, and most recently assembled our new emergency shed.
When Friendship Center received funds from the La Vista Foundation for a new Emergency Supply Shed, it was Jeffrey who worked tirelessly and single-handedly to put it all together. In response to the pandemic and recent years’ natural disasters, we are thankful to be prepared! Whenever there is a need, Jeffrey is quick to answer the call!
Thank you to the La Vista Foundation for generously providing the funds to purchase our new emergency shed.
Link Friendship Center to Your Ralphs Community Rewards Program, and they will donate a percentage of your purchases to Friendship Center. The more supporters that shop, the higher the amount that is donated each year!
Make Friendship Center Your Amazon Charity and Donate While You Shop! Amazon will donate .05% of your purchase to Friendship Center at no extra cost to you.
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