Sept. 21 — Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — Cybersecurity Panel Discussion

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Please Join NAWBO-SB & EDC to Learn How to Protect Your Business From a Cyber-Attack

Cybersecurity has risen to a top concern for small business owners worldwide, and if it isn’t on your radar – it should be. Kerry Grimes, Founder of Digital Duchess, and Rita Mounir, Co-Founder of Allthenticate, will lead the conversation about the most common types of cyber attacks and discuss ideas for limiting your vulnerability in the digital business world. They will also share their professional expertise and best practices to navigate cybercrime resources. Come for the info, and stay for the networking! Panelists and the EDC’s Small Business Development Center Business Advisors will be available to discuss the support and resources available to sustain and grow your business.

 September 21, 2022, at 5:30 pm

351 Paseo Nuevo, Floor 2, Santa Barbara, California, 93101

  • NAWBO-SB Member Tickets: $25.00
  • Non-member: $30.00
  • Attend the panel discussion via Zoom: $15.00

CLICK HERE to register!

Looking for NO-COST Business Consulting Services?
The EDC SBDC call team and experienced advisors are available to answer questions and help you navigate today’s complex business environment. The Economic Development Collaborative hosts the Small Business Development Center and is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Signing up as a client takes just a few minutes and provides you with lifetime access to all of our no-cost services.
Get started today with no-cost consulting by calling our
Business Assistance Line at 805.409.9159.
Resources and advising are available in English and Spanish.
Access our Loan Program by calling 805.409.9497.
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