Sept. 12 — Central Coast Rangelands Workshop to be held in SLO

SAN LUIS OBISPO — The University of California and the USDA Agricultural Research Service are excited to announce 2019 Central Coast Rangeland Workshop on Thursday, September 12, 2019, at the University of California Cooperative Extension Auditorium, 2156 Sierra Way, Suite C, San Luis Obispo. From 8:30 am to 12:00 pm.

The weather and wildfires have had tremendous impacts on the livestock industry. UC Cooperative Extension, in partnership with the USDA Agriculture Research Service in Logan Utah, are sponsoring a workshop covering Central Coast Rangelands. The workshop will cover forage production and nutrient content during the last 20 years. Talks on prescribed fires and other range restoration techniques will be given.  Plant Research Geneticists visiting from the USDA Agriculture Research Service will discuss potential new fire-resistant plant materials that can be seeded for fire breaks in strategic locations on rangelands. These new plant materials may also be used for improved forage for livestock and wildlife. Please see the details at and agenda are attached. Please register online at

For more information please contact Hiromi Peck at (805) 781-5940,