SBCC’s The Bridge Newsletter – DECEMBER 2022

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SBCC The Bridge

Santa Barbara City College’s Community Newsletter

December 2022

Recruitment of new Superintendent/President underway

Recruitment of SBCC’s new superintendent/president officially began on Dec. 7. For a full job description, hiring timeline and updates, visit the SBCC Superintendent/President search webpage.

Carola Smith featured on CSU Channel Islands radio-simulcast podcast

Vice President of the School of Extended Learning Carola Smith was recently featured on the CSU Channel Islands podcast “About Education,” simulcast on KZSB AM 1290 and FM 96.9. Carola discussed supporting students during the pandemic and beyond, partnering with local organizations to train their workforces, and creating seamless transitions for students between noncredit and credit programs. Listen to the podcast here.

Georgakis receives mathematics/legal advisor award

At the national conference of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) in November, SBCC Math professor Peter Georgakis received the Award of Appreciation for Outstanding Contributions and Dedicated Service to Two-Year College Mathematics Education. Georgakis is one of a few mathematics instructors at community colleges in the U.S. who also has a license to practice law. He was the lawyer and legal advisor to AMATYC for 30 years. Click here for comments from Peter.

SBCC Administrators attend and present at CCLC Convention

Administrators, board members, faculty and student leaders from SBCC attended the 2022 Community College League of California convention in San Francisco, Nov. 17-19. The convention invited college leaders from across the state to share tools, models, and solutions to system issues, as well as celebrate accomplishments. SBCC Foundation CEO Geoff Green offered a presentation on the importance of a strong, well run Foundation, and how the SBCC model can be a template for other colleges.

Science faculty serve up hands-on lessons to  Adelante kindergarten students

Kindergarten students from Adelante Charter School were treated to a science day on Nov. 15 – complete with slime, exploding gummy bears and liquid nitrogen ice cream demos! Read all about it and view the photo gallery here.

Therapy dogs on campus for ‘Wag Well, Be Well’ event

SBCC’s The WELL sponsored its popular “Wag Well, Be Well” event in front of Luria Library on Dec. 8, to help students and staff de-stress the week before finals. Therapy Dogs of Santa Barbara were on hand for much-needed pats and snuggles! Click here to see photos.

SBCC alum Elizabeth Salazar shares how SBCC’s Promise Program helped her achieve many of her goals

One of the first students to sign up for and benefit from the SBCC Foundation’s Promise Program, Elizabeth Salazar was able to transfer and attain a BA degree in psychology. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in counseling while working as a college career technician. Read the Noozhawk article here.

SBCC Music offers holiday concerts this weekend

SB Christmas Brass Rehearsal and Concert – Dec. 17 at 9:00 a.m. Participation open to ALL brass players in the community. SBCC West Campus, DM 105. See Facebook event for info.
Quire Of Voyces – Mysteries of Christmas, Dec. 17 & 18, 3:00 p.m. both days, St. Anthony’s Chapel at the Garden Street Academy. See Quire Of Voyces Facebook post for more info.

In Memoriam: John Eggler

Former history professor John Eggler passed away in early December. His formal retirement from the college was in 2006. John’s family wanted to notify the college and former colleagues of his passing and noted that SBCC was a very special place for John. Read his obituary here.

Happy Holidays from SBCC!

A reminder that SBCC campuses will be closed from Friday, Dec. 23 to Monday, Jan. 2.