SBCC students among 2022 Phi Theta Kappa All-California Award Winners

Nicole Pena. Courtesy photos.

SANTA BARBARA — Santa Barbara City College extends congratulations to students Carie Millard, Nicole Pena, Olivia Reed and John Fletcher (not pictured) for being named 2022 Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) All-California Award Winners. This year’s list of award recipients includes 114 students from across the California Community Colleges for the All-California Academic First, Second and Third Teams. To view the team selections and rankings, click here

PTK recognizes the academic achievement of college students and provides opportunities for its members to grow as scholars and leaders. Established in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa has a presence on almost 1,300 community college campuses in 11 nations. Building on the success of the national All-USA Team Program, PTK launched the All-State Academic Team Program. The purpose of this program is to provide recognition at the state level for these top community college students.

Olivia Reed and Carie Millard

Grades, leadership, and community service determine selection to the All-California First, Second and Third Teams. Students have undoubtedly faced many additional and unprecedented challenges over the last two years, so the 2022 winners should be exceptionally proud of their achievements during these difficult times.

“Given that there are 1.8 million students attending California Community Colleges, it is a tremendous honor that four of our students are among the 114 All-California Award winners,” said Kindred Murillo, Interim Superintendent/President of Santa Barbara City College. “This statewide award honors some of the best and brightest students in the state. John, Carie, Nicole and Olivia are certainly that.”

Carie Millard is an environmental science major at SBCC. By combining her experience in the arts with the knowledge she is gaining in environmental science –  with an emphasis in soils and biogeochemistry – she says her hope is “to make lasting change in creating a viable and thriving environment for all.” She has recently been accepted at UC Davis and plans on starting there in the fall.

Olivia Reed is currently studying psychology at SBCC. Her future plans include transfering to Franciscan University of Steubenville (Ohio) and earning a degree in psychology with a minor in English. Her goal is to become a cognitive therapist and to open her own practice.

Nicole Pena is an accounting major with a few more semesters to go before graduating from SBCC.