SBCC — An Open Letter to DACA Students

I am saddened this morning that the President of the United States is not honoring the executive order that created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).  As a DACA student, you should know that none of this is of your making.  It is not your fault, and you are the innocent one in all of this.  You were brought to this country as a child and you did not have a choice in the matter.  You have since been through considerable and unnecessary emotional distress, and we know this has not been easy for you.  You are here at Santa Barbara City College because you want to better yourselves and contribute to the only country and community that you know — this country and this community.
As the Chancellor of the California Community College system said in a message, “Ending DACA is a heartless and senseless decision that goes against American ideals and basic human decency.  Those who are affected by this decision were brought to this country as children and are pursuing an education and making contributions to their communities.  Some have served in the armed forces defending this country. In California, we don’t put dreams — or Dreamers — on hold. The California Community Colleges remain committed to serving all students, regardless of immigration status and to providing safe and welcoming environments in which to learn. We will do all within our power to assist students affected by this decision, and we will advocate tirelessly in Congress for a permanent resolution to this issue.”
Santa Barbara City College supports the Chancellor’s statement!  I know I speak for the college trustees, faculty, staff, and administrators in telling you that we are united in support of you and that together, we will get through this.  You should know that Barbara City College:
  • Will not allow federal immigration officials on campus absent legal authority;
  • Will not act on behalf of federal agencies to enforce immigration laws or aid in deportation;
  • Does not share student records containing confidential information without written consent, a court order, or other legal mandate; and,
  • Our college security will not participate in any voluntary program of immigration enforcement.
As more information becomes available, we will ensure that our students and campus community are informed and supported.
As always, we will go forward together,
Anthony E. Beebe