Santa Paula Art Museum update for July 29

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Collection Has New Home
Our permanent art collection has been moved next door to a more spacious home inside our new Cole Creativity Center. It took 50,000 steps by three staff members and two interns to move the 300+ artworks.
Historic Photo Found
Board member John Nichols has been on the hunt for a historic photo of the exterior of the 1954 Santa Paula Savings and Loan Building, which is now home to the Cole Creativity Center. He finally found one!
CCC Hosts Foundation
The Santa Clara Valley Wellness Foundation borrowed our new Cole Creativity Center when they hosted a ceremony there for students in their internship program. It was fun sharing the space with our nonprofit friends.
Staff Visits with Photographer
Photographer Luther Gerlach, who was featured in our 2014 “From Wet Plate to Pixel” exhibit, paid a visit to our staff and shared his moving photos of the Thomas Fire burn area. We love seeing what our artist friends are currently working on.
Library Interns Hard at Work
Thanks to a generous private donation that funds our new art library specifically, we’ve been able to hire an intern – the illustrious Cole Phelps – to begin the task of cataloguing our books and archives. He’s the perfect man for the job.
Grand Opening of the
Cole Creativity Center
Saturday, August 18, 2018, from 1pm to 4pm
Admission is free for everyone
Join us at the grand opening of the Santa Paula Art Museum’s Cole Creativity Center on Saturday, August 18. Stop by anytime between 1:00pm and 4:00pm to take a tour of our new building. Experience a variety of creative activities for all ages including sidewalk art, maker stations, face painting, and more. Visitors can also enter a raffle to win one of three paintings by three historic Santa Paula artists. Plus, learn more about upcoming art classes at the Cole Creativity Center, enjoy the Museum’s current exhibitions, and grab a bite to eat at one of our food trucks.
Free First Sunday
at the Museum
Sun., Aug. 5, 12pm to 4pm
Every first Sunday of the month is free admission at the Santa Paula Art Museum. In fact, admission to all of Santa Paula’s museums is free!
Women Create!
(Ages 16+)
Wed., Aug. 8, 7pm to 9pm
Have fun, make art, and create new friendships during our monthly women’s group. Attend once or recurrently! The cost of class is $35.
Ceramics as Personal Sculpture (Ages 16+)
Sat., Aug. 11, 10am to 1pm
Artist Marianne McGrath will teach techniques for creating your own small scale ceramic works. The cost of class is $40 – only a few spots left!
Collage Essentials (Ages 16+)
Thu., Aug. 16, 12pm to 2pm
Artist Karen Browdy will share the essential skills, tools, and techniques needed to build a meaningful practice in collage. The cost of class is $35.
Memberships in the Santa Paula Art Museum are now half-price through the end of the year! Join today at the Foundation level and you can become a member for just $20. All members receive free regular admission to the Museum, discounted admission to special events, a 10% discount in the museum gift shop, a 10% discount on artworks made available for sale in our exhibitions, a 10% discount on all classes at the Cole Creativity Center, and much more.
“Taos, New Mexico” by Cornelis Botke, oil on board, Collection of the Santa Paula Art Museum.
“Burning Bush” by Luther Gerlach, 2018, unique silver gelatin print,
16 x 20 inches, Collection of the artist.