Santa Maria High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) members shine at the Virtual Gold Coast Section Competitive Event Conference

SANTA MARIA — Fourteen Santa Maria High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) members recently shined at the Virtual Gold Coast Section Competitive Event Conference.

The students participated in various business & financial, entrepreneurship and software systems development career paths to qualify for the FBLA State Leadership Conference in April. The Saints Zoomed through the exams in professional business attire and captured several top awards.

“It was a bit of a challenge this year due to the fact it was held through Zoom and members had to keep their video and audio on, there was a lot of noise distraction from all of the other competitors; I am proud of the students that chose to try this new experience, they will definitely remember it,’’ said adviser and teacher Cindy Quaid.

“The conference was nowhere near as engaging as previous years, but the sense of accomplishment from participating is as great as always,’’ said senior Eliot Baez, SMHS FBLA President.

“I had a great time although I would of have loved to be in person with my peers, this was an amazing experience which I will never forget,’’ said senior Christina Regalado.

Here the results of the members who placed in their competitive events. Award plaques will be mailed to SMHS.


Eliot Baez, Cyber Security- 7th place

Anthony Garcia, Management Decision Making– 9th place

Christina Regalado, Public Speaking – 5th place


Team Events:

Miriam Jimenez Cuevas, Yadira Pena De Jesus, Maria Reyes-Palestino – Entrepreneurship Team– 8th place

Zaydee Herrera Acevedo, Christina Regalado– International Business– 6th place


And ELIGIBLE for the STATE competition this April is 

Eliot Baez, Computer Problem Solving – 1st