Santa Maria High School ASB Leadership Student Tutors

Students teaching students is proving to be a successful educational tool during the pandemic.

Up to 25 Santa Maria High School ASB Leadership volunteers are logging in during the school’s scheduled tutoring time from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. nearly every day of the week to help teachers who provide tutoring via Zoom. They are assisting in core subjects including math, science, social science, history, English.

In exchange for their service, tutors receive community service credit or they earn credit for any missing assignment.

“I had a good time helping freshmen with their math problems, it was fun,’’ said senior Janeyri Antonio.

Saint Activity Director and ASB Advisor Adrian Salazar agreed, adding, “This is a great opportunity for students to complete missing assignments and get the extra help they needed to do so. Because of the “wellness week,” we think that the extra help these students provided was beneficial to the teachers.’’