Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Stop Hate, Spring Break COVID Guidance, Climate Workshop, and More

The Answer to Stopping Hate Against Asian Americans
It’s been nearly a week since the Atlanta spa shootings that left six Asian women dead, plus two other individuals, and I, of course, can’t stop thinking about it or about all the events that led up to this moment. All the hate directed at the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, blaming our community for the COVID-19 pandemic, perpetuated by our former president, is also a recurrent theme of our history.

I’ve been thinking about my own experience growing up AAPI in America and the experiences of my opa as an Indonesian man in the Dutch Royal Navy during WWII. I have had the advantage, and sometimes disadvantage, of appearing racially ambiguous; many people are unsure of my racial and ethnic heritage. I’ve also had the experience my whole life of having others place their own ideas of my racial and ethnic heritage upon me. Read more of my Op Ed in the SB Independent…

Limited COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Available
Limited COVID-19 vaccination appointments are currently available for county residents age 65 and older.

To schedule an appointment, please use the links below or call

2-1-1 and select option #4 for assistance.


Lompoc, March 25

9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m:

Cottage and Sansum are using MyTurn for their appointment scheduling. People may also call the county call center which is open 7 days a week, for assistance, by calling 2-1-1 and pressing option #4.

Vaccine appointments will continue to be made available on the County’s COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment website for people over 65, Emergency Service Workers, Agriculture & Food Workers, Education & Childcare Workers, Health Care Phase 1A Tiers 1-3 Workers, and People with High-Risk Medical Conditions or Disabilities. New appointments will be live Mondays at 9:00 am and as available. These sectors may also be able to make an appointment through their regular healthcare provider or local pharmacy based on availability.

Spring Break Guidance for COVID-19 Safety
The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department is urging the community to continue vigilance in adhering to safety guidelines designed to reduce the spread of COVID-19 during spring break.

When considering how to spend spring break, the community is asked to make efforts to stay local. Continue to practice safety guidelines including wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.

Gathering in large groups is not permitted at this time. If people must gather, keep it small and within three households or less, short in duration, masks must be worn, and physical distancing should be practiced.

The safety guidelines regarding out-of-state travel at this time when people may be considering plans for spring break, a 10-day quarantine should occur upon return. Testing is strongly recommended upon return as well. Locations for no-cost testing throughout Santa Barbara County can be found here.

County Seeking Community Input on Countywide Recreation Planning
The County of Santa Barbara is seeking the public’s input on recreation needs, including parks, trails, open spaces, and recreational facilities such as sports fields and courts, as it develops a countywide Recreation Master Plan to guide development of new parks, trails and recreational facilities. The Recreation Master Plan will facilitate coordination between the County, eight incorporated cities, agencies within the county, and nonprofit and private recreation service providers.

The County is calling on residents to fill out a brief survey that should only take a few minutes to complete. The survey offers an opportunity for the public to describe their access to neighborhood parks and recreational facilities. To capture the needs of our youngest residents, there is also a survey intended to be completed by children.


County residents are encouraged to regularly check the Santa Barbara Countywide Recreation Master Plan website at for announcements of upcoming workshops, public comment opportunities, and updates.

2030 Climate Action Plan Workshop 3/25
The County is hosting two online community workshops on March 25th to kick off the development of the 2030 Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAP seeks to reduce communitywide carbon emissions 50% by 2030 while improving community resilience, social equity, and quality of life.

The workshops will provide background on the planning process, an update about where the County’s greatest climate challenges are, and about what the potential focus areas are for the plan. You are invited to learn, provide feedback and discuss with others as we explore the community’s values and priorities.

Both workshops will have the same presentation and agenda. Pick the time that works for you!

Register now:

3/25, 12:00pm – 1:30pm Meeting Registration

3/25, 6:30pm-8:00pm Meeting Registration

For any direct questions, please contact Climate Project Manager, Garrett Wong, at: or (805) 568-3503

A recording of the event will be provided on project website after the meeting. Visit to learn more.