Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Lots of Updates!

At today’s Board of Supervisors hearing, we received an update on COVID-19. In the past two weeks, we have experienced an 18% decrease in active cases and a 31% decrease in hospitalizations. This is encouraging news, but further underscores the importance of each of us continuing to do our part (washing hands, social distancing, and wearing masks) so that we can reduce our case numbers and graduate to Tier 2 of the new State framework as outlined below.
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Governor Newsom unveiled the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, which is a new framework that will replace the County Data Monitoring Metrics. The new framework employs a color-coded tiered system as seen below and Santa Barbara County currently falls in Tier 1 (purple).

Framework rules:

A county will remain in a tier for a minimum of three weeks before being able to advance to a later tier and county can only move forward one tier at a time, even if metrics qualify for a more advanced tier. A county’s tier status will be assessed on a weekly basis, with the first assessment released on September 8th. A county must meet criteria for the next tier for the prior two consecutive weeks in order to progress to the next tier.

To move back:

If a county’s adjusted case rate and/or test positivity has been within a more restrictive tier for two consecutive weekly periods, the county must revert to the more restrictive tier.

Sector changes effective 8/31/20:

  • Hair salons and barbershops – open indoors with modifications
  • All retail – open indoors with modifications at max 25% capacity
  • Shopping malls – open indoors with modifications at max 25% capacity, closed common areas and closed food courts

Report a Violation:

If you want the County to investigate potential violations of the Protection Plan Protocols or the health order currently in effect, please visit www.RecoverySBC.organd scroll to the bottom of the page to find “Report a Violation”

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Business Briefing: Update on New Statewide COVID-19 Tiers and Business Openings

Presented by the Santa Barbara County Chambers of Commerce

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

12:00-12:45 p.m.

Join us this Wednesday September 2nd at 12:00 p.m. for a business briefing on the updated statewide COVID-19 tiers and what this means for businesses and reopening.



Nancy Anderson, Assistant County Executive Officer of the County of Santa Barbara


Questions will be addressed following the presentation. Please feel free to submit any questions in advance to

Webinar info:

Please register in advance for the workshop. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Register Here.

Labor Day Weekend Beach Restrictions
Please be advised that all beaches will be temporarily closed for stationary activities beginning at 12:01am on Friday, September 4th through 11:59pm on Monday, September 7th. Only immediate access to and from the ocean for water sports or beach access for active physical activity will be permitted. The following will be restricted during this window:

  • Sitting, lying, standing, sunbathing, sight-seeing, picnicking, and all other non-exercise, passive or sedentary activities on beach parkways are prohibited.
  • Items for sitting or lying on the beach are prohibited for use of possession on beaches, such as umbrellas, shade structures, tents, barbeque grills, sand or beach toys, coolers and beach chairs.
Additional Emergency Rental Assistance Available!
The first Emergency Rental Assistance Program the County launched last week is closed due to full expenditure of funds available but the good news is that the Board directed an additional $2 million in funding we received from the State for COVID-19 response toward emergency rental assistance. This new program will launch through the United Way mid-day tomorrow.

You will be able to go to starting tomorrow to find out more information and how to apply.

We are estimating to be able to help about 600 households in the Unincorporated County (not living within the boundaries of any city – for example: Cuyama, Summerland, Montecito, Noleta, Isla Vista, Santa Ynez, Orcutt, and others). Those households who are at or below 80% of Area Median Income will be eligible (that’s $66,750 for a household of 1, $95,3000 for a household of 4 – more info on the website). The subsidy will consist of $1,000 per month for up to 3 months (max $3000 per household) paid directly to the landlord on the tenant’s behalf. All funds must be disbursed before November 30th.


On the rental assistance front, the California Legislature passed AB 3088, the Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020. This bill:

  • Limits evictions in which a residential tenant has fallen behind on rent or other payment obligations under their lease due to financial hardship caused by the pandemic until January 31, 2021, and creates protections for small landlords who become delinquent on their mortgage payments.
  • Makes any unpaid rent between March 1st and August 31st into consumer debt, exempting it from being the basis of an eviction ever.
  • If a tenant pays at least 25% of unpaid rent between September 1st and January 31st, the remaining unpaid balance is converted into consumer debt and cannot form the basis for an eviction ever.
  • If a landlord intends to try to evict a tenant for nonpayment of rent or other charges due under the lease, the landlord must first serve a notice giving the tenant 15 days to either pay the demanded amount, vacate the premises, or return a declaration to the landlord, signed under penalty of perjury, indicating the tenant cannot pay the rent in full and on time because of COVID-19 related financial hardship. If that is returned within 15 days, the tenant becomes protected by the bill and the due rent becomes consumer debt, something the landlord can sue the tenant over but cannot evict them for.

As you may know, Supervisor Gregg Hart and I have been sponsoring an eviction moratorium that was passed and renewed by the Board multiple times now to keep people in shelter during this pandemic and not make the situation worse. That was very effective for our residents in the unincorporated community but this bill will provide protections throughout the state and acts as more of a long-term solution. It was negotiated between groups representing tenants and landlords and is the best solution we can hope for at this time. I want to thank Assemblymember Limón and Senator Jackson for the role they played in helping these protections pass. As always, anyone who is able to pay their rent in full at this time, PLEASE DO SO. It is a critical piece to support those who are not able to pay their rent.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and it is arguably more important than ever that we raise awareness around suicide prevention. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, more people are feeling isolated, alone, and depressed at the disturbance of their routines and inability to have social gatherings and other tools that may have previously helped them manage their depression or other mental health issues. Visit HopeNet of Carpinteria’s website to learn more about warning signs and how to help someone in crisis.

Furthermore, typically we would be gathering on September 11th at the Seal Fountain to hold a vigil for all those who have lost their lives to suicide in our community and we cannot do that this year due to COVID-19, which may further cause distress to some folks. HopeNet is holding an online vigil and observance of Suicide Prevention & Awareness Month on their website and Facebook page. Hear community guest speakers, music, and learn about resources. For further information, contact Deborah at 805-637-5438 or email Feel free to light a candle in honor or your loved on as you listen.

Welcome to a New First District Team Member!
I’m a little saddened but mostly excited to announce that Lisa Valencia Sherratt, who has worked in my office for the last year and a half, has accepted a new job with Family Service Agency as the coordinator for the County’s Housing for the Harvest program. The new program will offer temporary hotel housing to agricultural workers who need to isolate due to COVID-19. It will help positive or exposed workers protect their loved ones and coworkers by giving them a space to self-isolate. And the County’s new income replacement program will help ensure that they do not loose income by choosing this option. If you or anyone you know is an agricultural worker in Santa Barbara County who has been exposed to someone who is COVID positive or has tested COVID positive, the program’s intake number is 805-681-5165.


I am extremely grateful and appreciative of Lisa’s service to the First District – for the last year and a half with us and her years of service previously with former-Supervisor Salud Carbajal. Especially in the last year and a half, Lisa has been an indispensable member of this team and has provided countless hours of support to those affected by the Thomas Fire and 1/9 Debris Flow and recently, to our Latinx and Migrant community affected by COVID. I’m very excited for her that she will get to focus on these issues full-time and deepen her service to our County.

With Lisa’s departure from our office, we have brought on a new team member – Esmeralda Estrada. Esmeralda is a Santa Barbara Eastside native, and while growing up within the Santa Barbara Unified School District community, she remained involved with student government and sports. After she graduated from Santa Barbara High School, she when on to graduate from Santa Barbara City college with a AA in Global Studies. Taking advantage of the transfer program SBCC has to offer, she transferred to Arizona State University where graduated with a BA in Political Science and BA in Global Studies. Most recently she worked at Santa Barbara High School’s Multimedia Arts & Design Academy and our 2020 Supervisor’s election. I’m very excited to welcome Esmeralda to the team and for her to expand her involvement in First District issues.

We are still sorting out what issues Esmeralda will exactly be working on but you can always find staff contact info and issues areas at our website:


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