Santa Barbara County First District Supervisor Das Williams — Give your input on unmet public transit needs on Dec. 6


County Racial Equity Fund Grants Available

Grant Application Workshop

Wednesday, November 29 at 6:00 pm

In 2021, I worked with my colleagues to declare racism a public health crisis and allocate funding to advance racial equity. Funding is now available through the County’s Racial Equity Fund to invest in and strengthen organizations that address anti?racism through systems change strategies. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a free grant application workshop on Wednesday, November 29th at 6pm.

Register Here
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Improve Your Home with SB Habitat for Humanity

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Give your input on unmet public transit needs

Wednesday, December 6

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Virtually via Zoom

The Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) is hosting an unmet transit needs listening session. The public is encouraged to stop by anytime during the two-hour virtual listening session to share comments or concerns about bus systems, dial-a-ride and paratransit services in Santa Barbara County, or express needs for new or expanded services in the county. Spanish language interpretation services will be available during the listening session. If you aren’t able to make the listening session, you can give your feedback via an online survey here in English or here in Spanish.

Build Your Advocacy Skills

Thursday, December 7, 2023

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

CEC Environmental Hub, 1219 State St., Santa Barbara

Join Community Environmental Council (CEC) for a Climate Activist

training to learn how to participate in local government meetings.

  • How to attend city council, board of supervisors, and other government meetings
  • How to read an agenda
  • How to make an effective public comment

Das Around Town

Cutting the Ribbon at the City Housing Authority’s Downtown affordable and workforce housing on State Street

Touring the railroad corridor with State Senator Limon, State Senator Catherine Blakespear, and Assemblymember Gregg Hart.

Joining with my colleagues from across California at the Latino Caucus meeting off the California State Association of Counties

Contact Us: (805) 568-2186

Das Williams, 1st District Supervisor

Darcel Elliott, Chief of Staff

Kadie McShirley, District Representative

Spencer Brandt, District Representative & Scheduler