PORT HUENEME — Building on the success of its inaugural year, the City of Port Hueneme and the Port of Hueneme once again teamed up to host their second annual 5k race over the weekend.
Organizers introduced a fresh look for the event, now called the Sea Splash Color Dash. The update brings exciting new features including a 1k kids’ run and expanded offerings to the free health and wellness fair.
Jess Lopez, Port Hueneme Mayor Pro Tem, stressed how this new tradition, which attracted more than 750 participants, helps encourage residents to prioritize their health. “I’m inspired to see so many people come together to enjoy the sun and get in some exercise,” he said. “Spending time outdoors, moving our bodies, and being by the beach boosts both our physical and our mental health. It’s a win on every level.”
Jess J. Ramirez, President of the Oxnard Harbor District, underscored the power of the two groups working hand-in-hand. “This partnership between the City and Port is an important one, and I look forward to all we can accomplish together for the benefit of our local community,” he explained.
The runners departed Hueneme Beach at 9:00 a.m. and followed a scenic beachside route to the lighthouse and back. Participants in the family-friendly event each received commemorative medals and T-shirts, with prizes awarded to the top finishers in each age group.
About five billion bananas come through the Port each year, and staff members had plenty of them on hand to help finishers recover and celebrate while attendees enjoyed healthy food vendors, a children’s activity area, and live entertainment.
James Vega, City Manager, saw immense value in the race. “We are so thankful for those who came out to the 5k and Health and Wellness Fair,” he said. “It’s moving to see our city and port collaborating to support each other and enhance the quality of life for our residents.”

Kristin Decas, Port of Hueneme CEO & Port Director; Jess Lopez, Mayor Pro-Tem City of Port Hueneme; James Vega, Port Hueneme City Manager.
The race is a result of the Port of Hueneme and the City of Port Hueneme’s Community Benefit Fund partnership. “Our second annual 5k demonstrates the strong relationship between the City and Port, and was born out of our mutual dedication to the health and well-being of our community,” said Port Director and CEO, Kristin Decas.
For more information about future events, visit the City of Port Hueneme and the Port of Hueneme websites and follow them on social media.