RESCHEDULED to March 17: Uplift Central Coast Community Convening to Kick off the CERF Planning Process

Due to anticipated heavy storms across our region and warnings of widespread power outages we will be postponing March 10th’s Uplift virtual Community Kickoff to ensure access to the information for those tuning in from all areas of our region.
The new date for the Community Kick off is Friday March 17th at 1:00 pm
If you previously registered, you are still registered, and the zoom information is the same.
About the CERF Planning Process
The six-county Uplift Central Coast Coalition – led by REACH, EDC and MBEP – is thrilled to officially kick off our regional Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) process at a virtual gathering on March 10th. The CERF grant funds a 2-year planning process to create an inclusive economic development plan for the six Central Coast counties with a focus on equity, sustainability, job quality, economic competitiveness and resilience. We invite you to join us for an update on the planning process, meet the team and learn about opportunities to engage in the work ahead.
Convening for the CERF Planning Process on March 17 @ 1:00 pm
Stay safe and we look forward to gathering with you soon to officially kick off our work together on the CERF process.
Looking for NO-COST Business Consulting Services?
The EDC SBDC call team and experienced advisors are available to answer questions and help you navigate today’s complex business environment. The Economic Development Collaborative hosts the Small Business Development Center and is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Signing up as a client takes just a few minutes and provides you with lifetime access to all of our no-cost services.
Get started today with no-cost consulting by calling our
Business Assistance Line at 805.409.9159.
Resources and advising are available in English and Spanish.
Access our Loan Program by calling 805.409.9497.
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