A vessel named Teresa Brusco and her crew pushed the Eisenhower vessel away from shore while other tugboats and salvage companies came to assist. The vessel was disabled in the shipping lane while fully loaded and drifting to shore. Crewmembers of the Teresa Brusco, Capt. Mike Fullilove, Jason Diaz, George Gonzalez, and Justin Donick worked quickly to ensure everyone’s safety.
Rebecca Ore, Captain of the Port and Commanding Officer at US Coast Guard Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach, U.S. Coast Guard personnel Capt. Steven Bor, Commander Sector Los Angeles, and Lt. Sean McGaughan, Marine Safety Detachment Santa Barbara, as well as the Port of Hueneme honored the crew’s heroic efforts with a Certificate of Merit during a special recognition event held on February 18, 2022.
“This is a well-deserved special award recognition for the brave actions of everyone involved,” said Mary Anne Rooney, Oxnard Harbor Commission President. “Brusco is one of the Port’s greatest partners and the only tugboat company assisting vessels in and out of the harbor for the past 33 years and we are extremely proud of their actions.” |