Pioneer Valley HS Trailblazer Hiking and Environmental Club Zoomed into Carrizo Plains

SANTA MARIA — Pioneer Valley High School Trailblazer Hiking and Environmental Club members recently Zoomed into the Carrizo Plains in southeastern San Luis Obispo County.

The student club hosted guest speaker Chuck Graham who presented his new photo book “Carrizo Plain “Where the Mountains Meet the Grasslands”

During the meeting, Graham shared his photos and stories of his experiences with the students, according to Club Co-advisor, Kristina Sewell. Graham spent 15 years photographing the area for the book.

“I really enjoyed Mr. Graham’s presentation about his life as a photographer of the Carrizo Plains,’’ said Club President, Maxwell Baruetta. “A new piece of information that left me astonished was learning that Kit foxes can go their whole lives without drinking water. I had never heard about this extraordinary animal before.”

Club Officer Cristhy Olivera added, “He showed us pictures from the Carrizo Plains that I never would have seen. I found his experiences with nature and photography very interesting, especially the moments that he shared from taking the pictures. Chuck Graham showed us his perspective of nature through the camera lens. I’m grateful that he took time out of his day to attend our club meeting to talk about his experiences and show us his amazing pictures.’’

English Teacher Club Advisor Jen Ogren encourages anyone who has not visited the Carrizo Plains National Monument to make the worthwhile day trip.