People’s Self Help Housing — Introducing ‘The Blueprint’!

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The topic of housing, in short, is complicated.

Why build, where to build, and who to build for arouses fierce debate and throws into sharp relief the complex issues surrounding the housing crisis.

From white papers to opinion pieces, emerging legislation to ballot measures, quarterly we will be curating a variety of resources to help you become an informed advocate for affordable housing.

Thank you for joining us for this pilot of The Blueprint; we invite you to subscribe below to receive future editions.

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In this Edition:

“In 2004, Dr. Margot Kushel, director of UCSF’s Center for Vulnerable Populations and Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative, and her colleagues… discovered that among unhoused single adults without children, the percentage older than 50 had increased from 11 percent in 1990 to around 37 percent in 2003…”

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“In a recent Gallup poll, 38% of Americans surveyed said they had put off medical treatment last year due to cost, up from 26% in 2021…In a Kaiser poll, 85 percent of uninsured adults said they found it difficult to pay for health care. Nearly half of insured respondents said they struggled with affordability as well…”

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“States such as California and Massachusetts that have already adopted builder’s remedy laws found that passing the bills is only the first of many obstacles. Their experiences offer a way forward — and a word of caution — for leaders in New York and other states as they attempt to navigate the contentious issue of compelling cities to legalize new housing…”

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“A recent analysis by LendingTree found that single women own about 2.64 million more homes than single men in the US. These numbers highlight the recent housing gains experienced by women, especially as the path to homeownership hasn’t always been straightforward…”

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“California is one of the most difficult states to build so it is a huge achievement to finally have a 3D printed house built there, especially considering the natural disasters impacting housing supply. Emergent 3D believes in the power of construction automation as they are automate the fabrication of wall structures…”

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People’s Self Help Housing

1060 Kendall Road

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401