Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Relations and Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association Announce Their 8th Annual Global Celebration – ‘A Toast Heard ‘Round The World’ on Dec. 31

SANTA BARBARA — Marking its eighth year, Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association (PGIAA) is gearing up for its annual global celebration – “A Toast Heard ‘Round the World” -on New Year’s Eve.  Each year event organizer and Director of Alumni Relations Dianne Travis-Teague invites members of the school’s global community (alumni, students, faculty members, staff, families, and friends of the institution) to join the celebration.

At 12 midnight on New Year’s Eve, wherever in the world they are, PGIAA alumni and friends are encouraged to raise a glass and Tweet, Facebook, or Instagram their dreams for the coming year using the hashtag #ToastPacifica2020.

“On New Year’s Eve, we invite all Pacifica Alumni and friends to join in celebrating the myriad unique and diverse ways that Pacificans around the world ‘tend the soul of the world’,” states Dianne Travis-Teague, touching on the association’s ’s motto, “Through Soul Community Thrives” – Per Aninam, Communitas Cresit.

The Alumni Association seeks not only to provide alumni and the global community with opportunities for personal and professional growth, but also to serve as a path for making positive changes within society through service and education.

Also coming up January 17-19, 2019 is the 7th annual PGIAA “Coming Home 2020” gathering on the Ladera Lane campus. Our theme of “The Stories We Tell” welcomes participants to share in the magic of cultural, personal, and mythic storytelling.  Through story, we celebrate diversity, lift up humanity, and promote intercultural respect. For information, registration and schedule visit:

Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association  incorporated on April 17, 2013 as a California 501(c) Nonprofit Corporation for the purpose of developing an operational and charitable membership association supporting both the alumni of Pacifica Graduate Institute and the wider community in pursuit of developing their intellectual, spiritual, altruistic, and professional capabilities. Further information is also available at the association’s website,

Established in 1976 and treasuring over 4700 graduates, Pacifica Graduate Institute is an accredited graduate school offering master’s and doctoral degree programs framed in the traditions of depth psychology.