New Oxnard Police Chief Jeri Williams, the first female African American police chief in Ventura County, takes the oath of office from Oxnard City Clerk Daniel Martinez. Williams was sworn in on Feb. 1 at the Oxnard City Council chambers. She was previously assistance police chief for Phoenix. Photo courtesy of Jess Gutierrez ©2011.
By Jess Gutierrez / Special to Amigos805
“It’s nice to say ‘chief,’ and it’s a female,” said Oxnard Councilwoman and Mayor Pro Tem Irene Pinkard loudly during the recent swearing in of Oxnard’s new Police Chief Jeri Williams, the first African American woman police chief in Ventura County.
Hundreds were present as Chief Williams was sworn in Feb. 1 by City Clerk Daniel Martinez, among them former Oxnard Police Chief John Crombach, the department’s commanders, County District Attorney Greg Totten, community leaders, and people from the business community.
“Thank you for your faith and trust in me,” said Williams thanking the packed and crowded council chamber after Assistant Chief Scott Whitney pinned William’s badge. Standing near them was Assistant Chief Jason Benites, who along with Whitney, Williams thanked for helping her through her recent transition as chief.
Williams, a 22-year police veteran, was an assistant chief in the 3,500 officer Phoenix Police Department, compared to Oxnard’s 200 police officer and 150 support staff force.
Oxnard Councilwoman Carmen Ramirez greeted the new chief in English and added she had to do the same in Spanish as she spoke a few words in Spanish and referred to Oxnard’s large Latino population. When Ramirez asked if she spoke Spanish, Chief Williams responded, “poquito.” She added that her two sons spoke Spanish.
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