‘Open Eyes Art Project’ to hold first wall installation on April 29 in Oxnard

Downtown Center for the Arts and the Oxnard Downtown Management District to celebrate first in planned series of public wall art installations during 4th Annual Wine & Art Walk

OXNARD — A digitally produced mural of an original art work will be unveiled at the Downtown Center for the Arts at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 23, the center reported in a media release. It is the first in a series of local wall art that is being planned for installation on buildings throughout downtown Oxnard called, “The Open Eyes Art Project.” This event will be in conjunction with the 4th Annual Oxnard Wine & Art Trail event from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 29. The Downtown Center for the Arts is a stopping place for wine tasting and appetizers with the Wine & Art Trail Event.

The Open Eyes Art Project will be a continuing installation of original art images for downtown Oxnard buildings. Art images will be selected from the local art community every year. Sources for the selection include: professional artists, street artists, local children’s art and collections from local art galleries. The art images will be digitally copied and temporarily applied to selected downtown Oxnard buildings.

This project seeks to inspire local artists, transform public spaces and encourage the community to participate in this ongoing art project. “Images in public spaces are very powerful. The Open Eyes Art Project is a catalyst for building community collaboration through the arts,” Gregg Arbeene, Art Center director of the Downtown Center for the Arts in Oxnard, stated in a media release

For more information regarding The Open Eyes Art Project please contact:

Arbeene, Art Center director, at The Downtown Center for the Arts, 329 No. Fifth St., Oxnard, CA 93030, 805-660-1346 or www.downtowncenter.org

About The Downtown Center for the Arts (DCA)

The Downtown Center for the Arts in Oxnard was founded in 2006 and is a nonprofit  organization that develops programs that promote cross-cultural understanding and personal development through the language of the arts. The DCA also has art classes for youth and hosts children’s workshops.

About the Oxnard Downtown Management District

The Oxnard Downtown Management manages a Property-based Business Improvement District (PBID) encompassing over 35 city blocks, established in 2001. The PBID has helped fund key programs for the revitalization of downtown including maintenance, public safety, image enhancement, marketing & promotions, and streetscape improvements. PBID programs have helped attract new businesses and investors back to downtown. For more information, contact Abel Ramírez Magaña, executive director of Oxnard Downtown Management District, at 445 S. B St., Oxnard, CA 93030; 805-385-2705, 805.889.4143 cell, 805.385.2707 fax, email at abel@downtownoxnard.org or visit www.DowntownOxnard.org

About the 4th Annual Oxnard Downtown Wine & Art Trail

The Oxnard Downtown Wine & Art Trail is a fun tour of fine local wines and food offerings while enjoying unique art exhibits at each stop. This event benefits the Turning Point Foundation and the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact The Oxnard Downtown Management District at 805-385-2705 or The Rotary Club of Oxnard, www.oxnardrotary.com or to purchase tickets for $50. online go to www.4thWAT.eventbrite.com