Dear Friend,
This month we have been reflecting on how we are doing.
A leadership retreat, and the publication of our annual Impact Report, provided us the opportunity to share the many positive outcomes and significant impacts achieved because of your partnership.
The theme of this years report is ‘Twenty Years of Services’. The production of new housing, or the renovation of existing units, are outcomes we can clearly track. Harder to measure, but equally important, are the changed lives which happen when essential supportive services are partnered with those new homes.
For over two decades, residents have been served by our social workers and educators, and through compassionate property management and the kindness of dedicated maintenance teams. The impacts of these services go far beyond ‘just the numbers’. To be truly successful, permanently affordable housing must be aligned with needs-addressing services. Together they lead to changed and enhanced lives and strengthened communities.As you review this year’s Impact Report, we trust you will recognize on each page, how your partnership multiplies into thousands of positive and long lasting life touches. And, although we acknowledge that there is much to do ahead of us, we invite you to celebrate that which has already been achieved.

Ken Trigueiro, CEO & President |