Oct. 10 — UCSB Arts & Lectures presents Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Presidential Candidate Julián Castro on Waking Up From My American Dream



  • UCSB Arts & Lectures presents Julián Castro, Waking Up From My American Dream

  • Former Presidential Candidate

  • Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Barack Obama from 2014 to 2017

  • Mayor of San Antonio from 2009 to 2014

  • He made history in 2001 as San Antonio’s youngest city councilman at that time, and again in 2012 as the first Latino to deliver the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention

  • Presentation kicks off Arts & Lectures’ 2021-2022 Justice for All series, part of the CREATING HOPE programming initiative

  • Sunday, October 10 / 7:30 p.m. at Campbell Hall

  • $25 : General Public / $0 : UCSB Students (Current student ID required)

  • Health & Safety: Proof of full vaccination must be presented for entry to the event, and masks must be worn at all times inside the venue. Visithttps://artsandlectures.ucsb.edu/SeasonFAQs/ for updates and further details.

  • Tickets/Info: (805) 893-3535, www.ArtsAndLectures.UCSB.edu

? ? ? Editors/Reviewers: Please include the full name of UCSB Arts & Lectures in all media coverage, including reviews.



“In the end, the American dream is not a sprint, or even a marathon, but a relay. Our families don’t always cross the finish line in the span of one generation. But each generation passes on to the next the fruits of their labor.” –Julián Castro


UCSB Arts & Lectures kicks off its Justice for All series with former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Presidential Candidate Julián Castro’s talk Waking Up From My American Dream, Sunday, October 10th at 7:30 p.m. Pacific at Campbell Hall, UCSB. Castro will share insights from his political journey and actionable ways we can effect change.

A former Democratic candidate for president, Julián Castro served as secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Obama from 2014 to 2017, and as mayor of San Antonio from 2009 to 2014. He made history in 2001 as San Antonio’s youngest city councilman at that time, and again in 2012 as the first Latino to deliver the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention. Castro’s memoir, An Unlikely Journey: Waking Up From My American Dream was published in 2018.



Julián Castro has distinguished himself as a strong leader and successful public servant for nearly two decades. A former Democratic candidate for President, Castro served as the 16th secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Barack Obama from 2014 to 2017, and as mayor of San Antonio from 2009 to 2014. Today, Castro serves on the board of directors of the LBJ Foundation and is a political analyst for NBC News and MSNBC.

As mayor, Castro brought a strong focus to expanding educational achievement and making America’s seventh largest city a leader in the 21st century global economy. Under Castro’s leadership, San Antonio implemented Pre-K4SA, a high-quality early childhood learning initiative that has earned praise as one of America’s strongest public pre-kindergarten programs. During his tenure, San Antonio ranked first on the Milken Institute’s Best Performing Cities List, received an A+ grade for doing business by Forbes, and was the only Top 10 city at the time to achieve a Triple A bond rating with each of the three major ratings agencies. A native Texan, Castro made history in 2012 when he became the first Latino to deliver the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention.

His memoir, An Unlikely Journey: Waking Up From My American Dream, is a candid account of race and poverty in America. Born to unmarried parents in a poverty-stricken neighborhood of a struggling city, Castro details his unlikely journey to becoming an emerging national icon.

From education to technology to safe and affordable housing, Castro has been at the forefront of some of the most innovative partnerships, programs and achievements in the public sector. In sharing lessons learned from the struggles and successes of his political journey, he gives audiences insight into how any group can make a significant change when it comes to America’s most pressing issues. He empowers groups to engage and take action, even when things seem at their most bleak. Castro’s own personal story is proof that the American dream still lives, and in his inspiring talks, he shares actionable items people can accomplish in their day-to-day lives to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to fulfill their potential.


See A&L’s full 2021-2022 lineup here


Creating Hope

This is a moment that calls for Optimism, Resilience, Courage and Vision.

Santa Barbara needs Hope, and Arts & Lectures is uniquely positioned to respond.

A&L’s 2021-2022 CREATING HOPE programming initiative has already inspired our community with presentations by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, chef Jose? Andre?s and author Anne Lamott. We will continue to inspire, through shared experiences with thought leaders, creative problem solvers and arts visionaries who will guide us forward. CREATING HOPE programs strengthen human connection, promote emotional well-being, joy and compassion, and envision positive change. Learn more about the CREATING HOPE:https://artsandlectures.ucsb.edu/CreatingHope.aspx



Founded in 1959, UCSB Arts & Lectures (A&L) is the largest and most influential arts and lectures organization between Los Angeles and San Francisco. A&L annually presents more than a hundred public events, from critically acclaimed concerts and dance performances by world-renowned artists to talks by groundbreaking authors and film series at UCSB and Santa Barbara-area venues. With a mission to “educate, entertain and inspire,” A&L also oversees an outreach program that brings visiting artists and speakers into local classrooms and other venues for master classes, open rehearsals, discussions and more, serving K-12 students, college students and the general public.


Julián Castro on Waking Up From My American Dream is presented by UCSB Arts & Lectures.

This presentation is part of the UCSB A&L Justice for All series.

$25 : General Public $0 : UCSB Students (Current student ID required)

For tickets and more information, call UCSB Arts & Lectures at (805) 893-3535 or visit www.ArtsAndLectures.UCSB.edu.

UCSB Arts & Lectures gratefully acknowledges our Community Partners the Natalie Orfalea Foundation & Lou Buglioli for their generous support of the 2021-2022 season.