OC LIVE Online — WEspeak Stories of Resilience

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Stories of Resilience

OC LIVE is proud to present
The Third Annual

This year we feature three dynamic OC graduating students – Karla Ramirez, Freddy Cardenas, and Associated Student Government President LorenaOrtiz – who share their stories of resilience and fortitude in achieving their educational goals during this toughest year. These inspiring OC grads help us see how we can adopt the same hope and commitment in our lives!

WEspeak is guided and directed by OC English Professor Jose Maldonadoand OC ASL Professor Emily Zwaal. This episode was filmed live on campus April 29, 2021!

OC LIVE Online: WEspeak Stories of Resilience
In solidarity with the profound national reckoning inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement we are focusing our 2020-2021 season on the theme of Social Justice. Please stay tuned if you want to join the conversation, take action, and make change in our lives and the lives of our community.

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