News from The Foundation at Hearst Castle

Thank you and we miss you!
We recognize that this is a truly unique and challenging time and we want to send our utmost gratitude to everyone who has supported The Foundation at Hearst Castle — in every small and large way — especially over the past year.
Hearst Castle remains closed, but our nonprofit organization remains quite busy. Enjoy this update and please continue to support vital efforts to conserve this magnificent monument and to empower future generations.
We hope to see you back on the Hearst Castle hilltop soon enough!
Re-opening Plan in the Works for Hearst Castle
State Parks says the historic landmark doesn’t meet the criteria to reopen under the current museum guidelines as the castle conducts guided tours with multiple households and buses in visitors.
The Foundation’s 2021 Update & Game Plan
In spite of this year’s unknowns, The Foundation at Hearst Castle will forge ahead with plans to conserve Hearst Castle and restore its invaluable art, as well as to continue our popular virtual education program.
Learn about how you’ll reserve future tours, what to do if you have existing event reservations, and how we plan to get creative during an unconventional year.
Building Dreams with STEAM at Hearst Castle
Our virtual education initiative, the STEAM Program at the Castle, endeavors to build dreams with STEAM curriculum (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), using Hearst Castle and the wonderful example of pioneering female architect Julia Morgan as inspiration.
CA State Parks Interpreter Robin Hazard shows students kelp underneath pier at the William R. Hearst Memorial State Beach.
Students are fascinated by the Nine Muse Sarcophagus at Hearst Castle, carved around 230-250 A.D.
Wasco Students Visit Hearst Castle by Livestream
Almost 300 students from both Palm Ave Middle School and Thomas Jefferson Middle School participated in our groundbreaking virtual program in Q1. Check out the photos!
Hearst Castle Guide Inspires Students to Believe in Themselves
Tracy explains, “Our aim is to relate the story of architect Julia Morgan and the building of Hearst Castle with each student’s personal experience. We use the principles of STEAM to demonstrate how the Hearst estate was built and to enforce the vast opportunities in the scientific fields.”
The Foundation Elects Four New Board Members
“I am personally delighted to welcome such a strong group of new board members and I look forward to working with each of them in the coming year,” said Board President Abe Marquez. “I have no doubt this dynamic group of professionals will energize the board and facilitate the progress of key initiatives, especially the STEAM Program, which is close to my heart.”
A View from The Past: Meet Norma (Sebastian) Bassi Monson
To treasured board member Kristin Rasmussen, Hearst Castle is more than a State Historical Landmark, more than a world-class museum, more than an architectural marvel. Hearst Castle is personal, it’s family history…
©Hearst Castle®/CA State Parks
Ways You Can Help
If you’re able to make a donation to support our mission, we would appreciate it more than you know. If you can join or continue your membership, that would be great. But there are other ways to help, too:
  • Tell your friends about us!
  • Choose The Foundation at Hearst Castle as your preferred charity when you shop on AmazonSmile.
  • Add The Foundation at Hearst Castle to your company’s Matching Gift Program.
  • Call to learn more about Planned Givingopportunities and benefits.
  • Let teachers know about the STEAM Program at the Castle.
  • Ask local news outlets to feature our education program, our mission, and our history
We hope this update is helpful and we thank you again for your support. Please reach out to us at any time with questions or concerns. We will be in touch as we learn more.
We miss you!
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In Memory of Dr. Lynn Frady Kelley-Enoch
Lynn first became a member of The Foundation at Hearst Castle (then known as Friends of Hearst Castle) in 2000. She completed three 3-year terms, serving as vice president in 2008, 2009 and 2011, and president in 2009 and 2010.
Questions? Contact Director of Development Tara Stephenson