MVC Insider Returns + New Meme Contest + More!

All New Episodes of
MVC Insider
After a four-month hiatus, Season 2 of “MVC Insider” resumed this past Friday, February 26, 2021. The Smith-Hobson Family Collections Manager Renee Tallent took us back a full century to talk about the 1920s hairstyle technique “Marcelling.” Renee explored the different variations of curling irons available on the market sold to achieve the perfect natural wave.
Mark your calendars for Friday, March 12, 2021 at 10am? and tune-in on Facebook Live for another episode of “MVC Insider” with Chief Curator of Exhibits & Collections Anna Bermudez! Anna will take viewers through the exhibit Hulega! Photographs from the Frontlines at the Agriculture Museum in Santa Paula. Set a reminder on Facebook or YouTube.
MVC Insider Ep. 3 (Season 2) - Collections: Marcelling
Submit Your Best Caption
Meme Contest
February 2021 Meme Contest Image
Next in our series of images from the Research Library and Archives that needs your best captions is this Ventura Snow Day image from 1929 (above).
Submit your best caption below for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to a Ventura County business of your choice!
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Congratulations to last month’s winning caption, “If you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it.”
MVC and Elena Brokaw featured in
VC Reporter
“Since she was named interim Executive Director in July 2016, Elena Brokaw has seen the Museum of Ventura County through some of the most challenging times in its 108-year history: financial struggles and the resulting temporary shutdown in September 2016, a major remodel, the Thomas Fire and a long-term closure that started in March 2020. And yet, under her guidance (her interim role has since been made permanent, with her official title now the Barbara Barnard Smith Executive Director), the museum has thrived. New exhibits, community events, lectures and more all filled its dance card week after week, month after month. Even during our collective COVID pause, it has continued to bring cultural content online.”
Read the full story from the latest issue of the VC Reporter!
While we remain closed due to the on-going pandemic, we encourage you to visit us digitally and explore the growing list of online resources, activities and local history. The generosity of our vibrant community is sustaining us until we are able to reopen. Consider becoming an MVC Member or making a gift today.
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A Special Thanks to Our
MVC Supporters
Museum of Ventura County Business Club members are community leaders who are committed to the region’s history, art, and stories.
MVC thanks our current
for their support:
Business Club Logo Pallet-February 2021
Major funding for these programs is made possible by the City of
San Buenaventura, the County of Ventura and private and community donors.
Museum of Ventura County • 100 East Main St. Ventura, CA 93001 • 805.653.0323
Agriculture Museum • 926 Railroad Ave. Santa Paula, CA 93060 • 805.525.3100