Museum of Ventura County: Ventura City Council to finalize Museum funding on Aug. 7

A message from the Interim Executive Director

On Monday, August 7, at 6 p.m., the Ventura City Council will take action on a recommendation to approve a funding agreement that will finalize $125,000 for the Museum over the next six months.

The agreement outlines a timeline for the first six months, and I am pleased to report that we have already made significant progress in all areas. We have:

  • hired a fundraising consultant to assist us in the Endowment Campaign, and are already meeting with Campaign Committee leaders;
  • raised $130,000 in “new” money from the private sector (our requirement was to raise $125,000 by the end of 2017);
  • hired a professional registrar to develop and lead the conservations effort;
  • met with County staff to start the process of prioritizing collections conservation;
  • hired a Museum professional to consult with us on our use of space, our vision and our role in the community; and
  • begun conversations to host exhibits in sites throughout the County.

We invite you to join us Monday, August 7, at 6 p.m., to mark this major achievement and to demonstrate your continued support of the Council in its commitment to the Museum.

Once again, thank you for your amazing support.

Elena Brokaw
Interim Executive Director, Museum of Ventura County

Our Mission: The Museum of Ventura County, through its collections, exhibits, educational programs and publications, celebrates the history, art, and culture of Ventura County and the Channel Islands.