Museum of Ventura County — New Virtual Tour, Digital Jigsaw Puzzles, and more!

This week, we’d like to introduce MVC’s Research Library and Archives Director, Deya Terrafranca. Deya came to the museum in late 2016 and has been the library director since November of 2018. I am happy to say that she often boasts that she has “the best job in the County!” Deya is lucky to work with a team of dedicated docents and volunteers who are behind the scenes nearly every day discovering new secrets and fun facts about our region. And here she is, straight from her dining room (I mean office) talking about Rapid Response Collecting and Digital Jigsaw Puzzles!
Elena Brokaw, The Barbara Barnard Smith Executive Director
Video Message
from the Research Library and Archives Director
To learn more about Rapid Response Collecting or Digital Jigsaw Puzzles, please click the buttons below.
Huelga! Photographs from the Frontlines by Jorge Corralejo
A photography exhibit from the 1970’s labor strikes featured along with memorabilia from the collection of longtime local activist and civic leader, Jorge Corralejo. Learn about his time with United Farm Workers, working alongside Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta from the Boston A & P strikes to the streets of Oxnard.
Virtual Education Tour: Throwing Shade
This digital version of “Throwing Shade” includes the original exhibit but also additional material not seen before, such as a video explaining the importance of Oak trees and acorns in traditional Chumash culture and two fun activities for adults and children alike!
Take a moment or two to relax with our brand new online jigsaw puzzles made from images from the Museum’s collection. Choose a puzzle, then select your difficulty (the number of pieces) once it has opened. Keep coming back – you may find some new ones!
Congratulations to Basant Gendi, winner of last week’s “Get Art Smart During 2020 Quarantine” quizlet! Bassant, who attends Oxnard Union High School, won a $50 gift certificate to a Ventura County small business of her choice.
Tune in in 2 weeks for the next Quizlet and your chance to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift certificate to the Ventura County small business of your choice!
The Museum of Ventura County believes in supporting local businesses, especially during this time of need.
In honor of National Volunteer Appreciation Week, the Museum of Ventura County would like to share our appreciation and acknowledge the dedication of docentGerry Browning.
Gerry has served as a docent at the Museum since the founding of the Docent Council in 1975, originally at the old Pioneer Museum of Ventura County located at 77 N. California Street. Gerry developed the docent training program and has worked continuously for 45 years educating students and adults about the history of Ventura County.
In 2018, Gerry updated and published, From Fossils to Fashion, the Ventura County Museum of Art & History Docent Textbook. Gerry’s selfless efforts to share her vast knowledge with Museum visitors, students and adults has created a legacy and model for all future volunteers and docents to emulate. Please join us in honoring Gerry Browning today and always.
The CARES Act: Charitable Giving Incentives
Did you know…
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) will let taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions take a one-time deduction of up to $300 for gifts made to charitable organizations. The deduction is ONLY for gifts of cash made in calendar year 2020 and does not cover other types of gifts or contributions made to donor-advised funds or private foundations.
If you can, please take advantage of this opportunity and support your Museum. Thank you.
For further information please consult with your accountant or financial planner.
Local Resources for Information on COVID-19
We know that there is a lot of news right now from the global, national, state, regional, and community level. Here are a few trusted resources for Ventura County updates.
CAPS Media Collaboration
The Museum is also collaborating with CAPS Media, who are collecting stories from this time in video format for their #VenturaStories project. Do you have a great story to share? Something clever, funny or inspirational of your family, friends, kids, pets, neighbors or something else? Every week CAPS Media will air and stream locally produced videos sent in by the public. CAPS Media is looking for positive, feel-good stories that are entertaining, inspiring, enlightening and informative. This project gives you the special treat of seeing your masterpiece on television on Channel 6 and streaming online at Find out more here.
The Museum of Modern Art Now Offers Free e-Classes
MoMA is making available nine free e-classes via the online learning platform Coursera.
Designed to guide everyday people to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the museum’s wide-ranging collection which spans modern and contemporary art, fashion, and photography; these courses range in length from 12 to 38 hours and can be completed at students’ own pace.
Major funding for these programs is made possible by the City of
San Buenaventura, the County of Ventura and private and community donors.
Museum of Ventura County • 100 East Main St. Ventura, CA 93001 • 805.653.0323
Agriculture Museum • 926 Railroad Ave. Santa Paula, CA 93060 • 805.525.3100