Museum of Ventura County — Know and Grow with the Museums

Ventura County Plants to Know and Grow

Saturday and Sunday

April 22-23, 2023


@ Agriculture Museum, Santa Paula

Free Admission

Come to the Ag for a 2-day celebration of Ventura County’s native plants, including tours of our native gardens, a native plant sale, fun family activities, and lectures on pollinators and plant identification! Check our website for more details on activities for each day. The Agriculture Museum is proud to offer this program in partnership with the County of Ventura Agriculture/Weights & Measures Office, the Ventura County Weed Management Area, the U.C. Cooperative Extension of Ventura County, the California Native Plants Society – Channel Islands Chapter, and the U.C. Master Gardeners. Find out more information here.

Regenerative Agriculture Discussion Panel

Thursday, April 27, 2023


@ Agriculture Museum, Santa Paula

Free Admission

Come hear different perspectives on why “regenerative agriculture” farming and grazing practices benefit the world, and how it can reverse climate change. In collaboration with Leap Lab, our featured panel will provide the audience with different perspectives as to why regenerative agriculture farming and grazing practices can reverse climate change. The panel with be moderated by Dr. Rachel Soper, Assistant Professor of Sociology at CSUCI. Find out more information here.

Law & Disorder: An Evening with Mike Bradbury

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


@ Museum of Ventura County

MVC Member In-Person: Free

Nonmember In-Person: $10

Join us at the Museum of Ventura County on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 6-7:30PM for a very special program: DA Erik Nasarenko’s interview of former DA Mike Bradbury and discussion about his book Law and Disorder: Confessions of a District Attorney. This conversation is sponsored by TOLD Corporation.


Michael Bradbury served as the elected District Attorney for Ventura County for 24 years, stepping down after fulfilling his sixth term early in 2003. He is the longest serving District Attorney in the history of the county. During his tenure, the Ventura DA’s office was recognized as one of the most innovative prosecution offices in the nation, and Ventura County was judged by the FBI the safest county west of the Mississippi. In his memoir, Bradbury shares stories of his time as District Attorney, giving readers an intimate glimpse into the justice system. Find out more information here.

Chumash Plant Knowledge

Sunday, May 7, 2023


@ Museum of Ventura Count

Free Admission, Registration Required

Dr. Jan Timbrook’s informative, illustrated talk, Chumash Ethnobotany: Life Before Costco, will provide a glimpse into the fascinating plant world of the Chumash, including the complex interrelationships between the first people of our region and the environment in which they lived.


At 3:00, the hi stok’oy hil xus Chumash Cultural Group will share alternatives for invasive species and activities fun for the whole family; plant your own milkweed, peel some ‘ixpaniš (acorns), and make a beautiful bracelet from ‘ixpaniš (acorns) and ‘an?um (Olivella shells)!

This presentation was made possible by a generous grant from the Charles D. and Mary A. Bauer Foundation. Find out more information here.

Ivor Davis: Up Close and Personal features local legend, journalist Ivor Davis, in conversation with cultural figures from the world of film, photography, and music. Relive the magic by viewing our past Ivor Davis: Up Close and Personal presentations here.  More to come in the future!

Grace Morton – Ventura

(one of five 2021/2022 Scholarship winners)

Bonita C. McFarland Visual Arts Scholarship

The Museum of Ventura County is now accepting applications for its Bonita C. McFarland Visual Arts Scholarship. The scholarship fund has a total of $10,000 to be awarded in 2023. Eligible applicants include high school seniors enrolling in college courses in the fall of 2023 or continuing visual arts college students who are Ventura County residents.

Awards will be based on artistic merit and commitment as demonstrated by the application, essay, letter of recommendation, and examples of work.

Applicants will be selected by a committee from the Museum’s Fine Arts Committee and Museum staff. Learn more here.

Application deadline: May 7, 2023

Review of applications: May 2023

Scholarship awards announced: Late May 2023

Awards Reception: June 7, 2023

Explore more Upcoming Events here!

The Museum of Ventura County and the Agriculture Museum in Santa Paula are open Thursday—Sunday from 11am to 5pm. Admission to both Museums is now FREE.

Finding the Light

Works from MVC’s Permanent Collection

Artists use light to elicit emotion, tell stories, and impart meaning to viewers. These works are showcased in the Thomas and Esther Wachtell Gallery, which is dedicated to highlighting MVC’s permanent collection.

Finding the Light is supported through the gifts of:

Bonita McFarland Fund

Suzanne Chadwick

Featured art above:

Andrea Vargas

The Trestle, 2011

Behind the Curtain:

An Insider’s Look at

The George Stuart Historical Figures®

People argue about whether the Figures are works of art, historical objects, or maybe something else entirely. Mr. Stuart himself objects to both the titles of Artist and Historian. Investigate each Figure closely so that you can decide for yourself.

Made possible in part by the Fred W. Smith Gallery Fund and additional support from Bethe and Tim Sullivan in memory of Rosemarie Magness

All That Glitters

Is Not Gold

A surprising history of the 1920s and Prohibition in Ventura County. As population and wealth boomed, creativity flourished – but so did a tide of repression and exclusion. This exhibit tells the local story of the jazz age through our collections and archives.
This exhibit made possible in part by the generous support of:
The John Hammer Family,
The Heritage Fund at VCCF,
The DeArkland Family, and
Chrisman Estate Co.


The Museum in Six Colors

MVC’s permanent collection, amassed over 100 years, ranges from everyday items belonging to real people who lived and worked in the county, to rarities and precious works of art. Each object has a story to tell, and this exhibit opens the door to those stories.
This exhibit made possible in part by the generous support of:
and Pierpont Racquet Club

NEW EXHIBIT from Smithsonian Gardens

Pollination Investigation – The Essential Role of Pollinators in the Natural World

at the Agriculture Museum in Santa Paula

Nearly 90% of flowering plants rely on about 200,000 species of animal pollinators for fertilization. Explore the essential role that pollinators play in the natural world in the Smithsonian poster exhibition Pollination Investigation. Through “pollinator profiles” visitors can learn about different pollinators—from butterflies and hummingbirds to bats and the wind—and their favorite flowers based on floral characteristics like flower shape, color, scent, and more. The set of 14 posters is bilingual (English and Spanish) and designed to educate and inspire people to explore the natural world looking at flowers and insects. Learn more here.

Tomols to Trains:

County Transportation

through the 1900s

at the Agriculture Museum in Santa Paula

Tomols to Trains explores how transportation played a role in Ventura County’s history. Visit the communities that struggled with the changes brought about by new modes of transportation.

See how towns and cities changed, how suburbs grew, and how our farms and other industries became part of regional, national, and international economies.

Learn more here.

Made possible by the

Heritage Fund at VCCF

Farm to Market

at the Agriculture Museum

in Santa Paula

An interactive exhibit promoting healthy lifestyles through role-play, the Ag Market is an immersive environment where children and families identify healthy food choices in a market-like atmosphere.

Learn more about what the

Agriculture Museum has to offer here.

Special thanks to

Santa Paula’s Former Mayor Carlos Juarez for volunteering his time and

talent in building our

fun-filled indoor market

Watch California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick read his poem, My California at the Agriculture Museum.

Explore over a dozen virtual and 3D exhibits, including Nordic Myths & Legends, Huelga! Photographs from the Frontlines, California Cool, and more!
Engage with us on social media, where you’ll find our latest news and incredible artifacts, reels, and art from our collections!
Museum of Ventura County Business Club members are community leaders who are committed to the region’s history, art, and stories.
MVC thanks our current
for their support:

For more information about the MVC Business Club, please contact:

Tricia Murdoch

Director of Development

(805) 653-0323 Ext. 305

Major funding for these programs is made possible by the City of
San Buenaventura, the County of Ventura and private and community donors.
Museum of Ventura County • 100 East Main St. Ventura, CA 93001 • 805.653.0323
Agriculture Museum • 926 Railroad Ave. Santa Paula, CA 93060 • 805.525.3100
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