Museum of Ventura County — Courage and Contribution, Patterns on the Land, and more!

Patterns On The Land –
a Selection of Maps from the Research Library
Map of the City of San Buenaventura, 1888
There are over 5,500 maps in the Library collection that include historical plat maps, boundary maps, topographic and hydrological maps (USGS), irrigation/ditch maps, right-of way maps (railroad and highway), and land case maps (court case exhibits). Discover a few of these jewels in this week’s virtual exhibit.
Courage and Contribution:
The Chinese in Ventura County
In collaboration with the Ventura County Chinese American Association, the Museum is pleased to share with you this documentary film showcasing the many contributions of the Chinese American community in Ventura County. For over 150 years, Chinese Americans have been an integral part of Ventura County culture. This film showcases their first hand accounts and important 20th century history.
Local historian Linda Bentz writes in her Journal of Ventura County History titled “Hidden Voices: The Chinese in Ventura County” that
“Chinese pioneers are indelibly linked to the history of our county.
They helped to build the infrastructure of the emerging county and labored in the nascent agricultural industry. Their lives are intermingled with the host community and they brought character and diversity to frontier towns in Ventura County. Their contributions cannot be denied.”
Digital copies of Bentz’s Journal are available for purchase through the Amazon kindle store (free to read if you have a Kindle Account).
Hillman CD Winners and Quizlet Winner
Congratulations to Sheila Berman, William Pruim and 2 other anonymous Museum members who each won an autographed copy of Chris Hillman’s CD “Bidin’ My Time!” Thank you for supporting your Museum!
There’s still a chance to win one of 2 remaining CDs by signing up or renewing your membership today!
Congratulations also, to Janice Morrill,winner of our last Quizlet “Take a Walk Around Historic Ventura County!” Morrill wins a $50 gift certificate to a Ventura County small business of her choice.
Tune in next week for the next Quizlet and your chance to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift certificate to the Ventura County small business of your choice!
The Museum of Ventura County believes in supporting local businesses, especially during this time of need.
Journaling During COVID-19: Your story becomes our history
In Virtual Learning Module #6
we invite you to record your daily experience during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic with a downloadable MVC Activity Sheet. Additionally, learn about the importance of collecting objects and stories from our present time for future generations to learn from.
This activity is designed for grades 6th—12th, but parents are encouraged to help younger children journal, too.
Parallel Stories Lecture Series
at Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Check out the wonderful series, Parallel Stories at SBMA. Parallel Stories is a literary and performing arts series that pairs art and artists with award-winning authors and performers of regional, national, and international acclaim.
When you are done there, try out Art Matters, Studio Sundays or Art at Home. MVC recommends these great enriching and cultural online opportunities, a bonus, no drive time.
Museum of Ventura County Business Club members are community leaders who are committed to the region’s history, art, and stories. MVC thanks our current
for their support:
Aera Energy
California Oaks Property Management
California Resources Corporation
E.J. Harrison & Sons Corporation
Haas Automation
Leavens Ranches
Pierpont Racquet Club
TOLD Corporation
Ventura County Credit Union
Major funding for these programs is made possible by the City of
San Buenaventura, the County of Ventura and private and community donors.
Museum of Ventura County • 100 East Main St. Ventura, CA 93001 • 805.653.0323
Agriculture Museum • 926 Railroad Ave. Santa Paula, CA 93060 • 805.525.3100