More than 500 Students With Disabilities to be Honored at Night to Remember Prom on May 31

A Night to Remember: A prom for students with disabilities (ages 12-25) in Ventura County.

Courtesy photo.

VENTURA – Mission Church hosted the eighth annual A Night to Remember (NTR), a free prom for students with disabilities, to be held at the Ventura County Fairgrounds on May 31

“There is nothing quite like this night and experience for both our guests and volunteers. It’s like a picture of heaven on earth,” explained Mike Hickerson, Lead Pastor at Mission Church. “When everyone is out on the dance floor together, we all recognize that we’re not that much different from each other, and it just feels like something is right in the world.”

The night is free for all the guests and included dresses and tuxedos, hairstyling, makeup and corsages or boutonnieres, limo rides and a walk down a red carpet cheered on by paparazzi. Each guest is accompanied by a student host from the community, given a formal photo, special food and treats and a night of dancing with a professional DJ.

“Honestly, this is my favorite night of the year – and it’s not because of the party. It’s not the dancing, the decor, or the crazy fun. When I see these kids smiling from ear to ear…when I see their families beaming because their kid is finally in the spotlight for a night… It’s pretty clear that helping someone else live THEIR best life is actually how we live ours. This is one of those community-changing events that impacts our lives all year long.”   – Jen Oakes, Night to Remember Director

More than 500 guests, over 700 student hosts and 1,000 volunteers registered and celebrated together on this special night that will truly be A Night to Remember.

For more information, or to schedule an interview with A Night to Remember representative, contact Rachel McIver or Jen Oakes (contact info above) or visit to see the photo galleries from previous year’s events.