Courtesy photo.
SANTA BARBARA — On Saturday, May 12, from 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Barbara will host their Annual Gala celebrating 80 years of helping kids and families in the Santa Barbara community. The event will take place at Heartstone Ranch in Carpinteria at 4188 Foothill Road. Emcees Janet Garufis and Andrew Firestone will liven up the event that includes cocktails, live & silent auction, sunset dinner, and live jazz music. Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson and Assemblywoman Monique Limón will present a joint resolution honoring the Club’s 80 years in the community.
The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Barbara has supported and strengthened our community for the past 80 years and was founded during the Great Depression by a group of firemen who saw the need for safe and educational afterschool programs in Santa Barbara. Over the years it has grown into a thriving hub of opportunities and a community center serving over 3800 kids a year. For only $40 a year, a child can sign up to be a Club member. That is only 16 cents a day for vital programs like tutoring, sports leagues, and numerous educational programs that empower local kids. The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Barbara could not exist without the generous support of the community. Great futures start here!
Buy tickets or make a donation to the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Barbara at www.boysgirls.org. For more information call Harmony Agh at 805-962-2382.