Marjorie Luke Theatre update for Feb. 19 — ShortFilmBingeWatch on Feb. 23

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Upcoming Events
Saturday, February 23rd  1:30pm-6:30pm
You’re invited to discover the ZShorts International Film Festival!
The Festival consists of the ShortFilmBingeWatch (1:30p-6:30p),
Followed by the red-carpet Gala Awards Evening (7:00p-9:00p).
You may come and go as you please. Screening best selections from 212 filmmakers from 30 countries. FilmMakers, VIPs, and the Media will be there! For more info please visit, for tickets please visit or call 1800-838-3006.
Ka Hale A Revival– Architect and Kumu Francis Palani Sinenci leads the revival of ancient Hawaiian hale building in an effort to save indigenous cultural practices. United States – 5m 0s
The Colour of Her– A teenage city girl struggles with her insecurities to see the beauty around her. United States – 3m 49s
Map To The Stars– After the loss of her mother, a grieving little girl finds comfort in the singularity of the cosmos. Spain – 10m 15s
This is Me– A video self-portrait of the filmmaker. United States – 1m 45s
Gala Awards Evening
Saturday, February 23rd  7:00pm
The Gala Awards Evening — an exciting red-carpet event — will begin screening at 7:00pm with red carpet activities starting at 6:00pm.  FilmMakers will be there! VIPs will be there! Media will be there!

The “Finalists”‘ short films — including the Finalists of the 2018 North American Students 3-Minute Film Competition — will be screened and awards will be announced. For more info please visit, for tickets please visit or call 1800-838-3006.
We look forward to celebrating the FilmMaker excellence with you!

Otro Lado A young Mexican man risks it all to reach the other side of the border and fulfill his dream of a better life. United States – 13m 7s

Someone You Know An overly-competitive couple’s innocent game takes an unexpected turn when one of them bends the rules. United States – 14m 15s

Stunning A romantic young woman, about to lose her lover due to his expiring visa, hatches a musical plan to sing her way into his heart and make him stay despite the consequences. Sweden – 18m 7s

Paris You Got Me A street artist invites a young woman for a dance in his magical world of art illusions. Germany – 9m 2s
La Patronal
Sunday, March 10th  7:00pm
The Marjorie Luke Theatre and UCSB Arts & Lectures present
La Patronal, a unique brass band from Lima, Peru, performs for FREE as part of the Viva el Arte SB family concert series. Rooted in the tradition of fiestas populares, or town fairs, common in rural villages across Latin America, La Patronal honors these gatherings, which celebrate tradition through fireworks, dancing, and religious images. La Patronal members are direct descendants of rural musicians from Peru, and use this knowledge of folk culture in combination with their formal music studies to preserve their heritage. Their lively performances encourage audience participation and dancing with contagious percussion and vibrant brass and winds. For more info please visit