Lift-Off’s Filmmaker Sessions Online Film Festival highlights local biologist, writer, and author

Editor’s note: René Corado is the Collections Manager of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology in Camarillo, the museum with the largest collection of eggs and nests of birds of the world, with more than one million eggs and more than twenty thousand nests. He was born in a village of 13 houses in Guatemala. When he was 8 years old his family moved to the capital (Guatemala City) in order to help bring food to the house he attended school in the morning and worked as a shoeshine boy in the afternoon.

Courtesy image. Click to see film preview.

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA— Lift-Off’s Filmmaker Sessions Online Film Festival is proud to present the upcoming online screening of The Shoeshine Boy, a film that tells the inspiring story of a young boy who grew up in the streets of Guatemala and defied all odds to become a renowned biologist, writer, and author. Directed by Harold Bucaro and René Corado, this film is a testament to the power of perseverance and the human spirit. See Video preview here.

Through May 15th, audiences can enjoy the raw talent of true indie filmmakers from the comfort of their own homes via Vimeo On-Demand.

This public event is a celebration of grassroots independent artists and filmmakers with limited budgets but big ideas. By supporting these artists, we are not only helping to develop their talent but also contributing to the diversity and richness of the film industry.

The Shoeshine Boy is a prime example of the kind of film that Lift-Off’s Filmmaker Sessions Online Film Festival aims to showcase. This film is a labor of love that was made possible by the dedication and hard work of a talented team.

If you want to be a part of this exciting event and watch The Shoeshine Boy and other amazing indie films, be sure to visit to see the whole documentary.


El festival de cine en línea Filmmaker Sessions de Lift-Off se enorgullece en presentar la próxima proyección en línea de El Lustrador (The Shoeshine Boy), una película que cuenta la historia inspiradora de un niño que creció en las calles de Guatemala y desafió todas las adversidades para convertirse en un renombrado biólogo. escritor y autor. Dirigida por Harold Bucaro y René Corado, esta película es un testimonio del poder de la perseverancia y el espíritu humano.

Hasta al 15 de mayo, el público podrá disfrutar del talento en bruto de verdaderos cineastas independientes desde la comodidad de sus hogares a través de Vimeo On-Demand.

Este evento público es una celebración de artistas y cineastas independientes de base con presupuestos limitados pero con grandes ideas. Al apoyar a estos artistas, no solo ayudamos a desarrollar su talento, sino que también contribuimos a la diversidad y riqueza de la industria cinematográfica.

The El Lustrador (Shoeshine Boy) es un excelente ejemplo del tipo de película que el festival de cine en línea Filmmaker Sessions de Lift-Off pretende mostrar. Esta película es una obra de amor que fue posible gracias a la dedicación y el arduo trabajo de un talentoso equipo.

Si desea ser parte de este emocionante evento y ver El Lustrador (The Shoeshine Boy) y otras increíbles películas independientes, asegúrese de visitar para ver el documental completo.

Also see: Oxnard Biologist and Writer will receive a special tribute in VI International Children’s and Youth Reading Fair in Central America