Learn About the Ventura County Civil Grand Jury — Jurors Available for Speaking Events

VENTURA COUNTYThe Ventura County Civil Grand Jury seeks opportunities to speak to community organizations, non-profit organizations, and similar groups as part of its education outreach program.

The Civil Grand Jury investigates matters affecting aspects of government in Ventura County. The Jury comprises 19 citizens who are impaneled by the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court and serve as a “voice and conscience” of Ventura County residents concerning their local governments.

The impaneled Civil Grand Jury does not pursue criminal cases or hear evidence in courtrooms. It serves as an independent investigatory panel on behalf of the citizens of Ventura County. It investigates complaints from the public, writes reports and makes recommendations to local governments and agencies such as city councils, school districts, hospitals, harbors and water districts. Investigative areas include alleged government violations of city and county codes, disaster preparedness, contracting procedures, and health and safety matters among others.

Reports and governmental responses from investigated departments and agencies can be found on the Civil Grand Jury website https://www.ventura.org/grand-jury/

To learn more about the Civil Grand Jury and how it serves the community, how to become a juror, or request speakers to meet with your group or class, you may contact the Civil Grand Jury at (805) 477-1600 or complete a speaker request form available on the Civil Grand Jury website at https://www.ventura.org/grand-jury/.