League of Women Voters and Community Environmental Council Invite Public To A Screening And Panel Discussion On Powerful New Climate Documentary through Sept. 30

The Race to Save the World Available for Viewing September 9-30, with Expert Panel Discussion on September 23

SANTA BARBARA – The League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara (LWVSB) and Community Environmental Council (CEC) are proud to present a month-long virtual screening and culminating expert panel discussion of The Race to Save the World by Emmy award-winning filmmaker Joe Gantz.

The Race to Save the World Virtual Screening:

When: Through September 30, 2021

Where: Watch the trailer and see details here: https://cec.pub/WatchRaceToSaveTheWorld

Cost: $10

Details: Proceeds will benefit CEC, LWVSB, and the filmmaker.

The Race to Save the World Expert Panel Discussion:

When: Thursday, September 23 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT

Where: Zoom. Register here: https://cec.pub/RaceToSaveTheWorldWebinar

Cost: FREE

Details: Join LWVSB President Vijaya Jammalamadaka and moderator Sigrid Wright, the CEO/Executive Director of CEC, for an expert panel discussion on climate activism as explored in the film and ways to get involved with local efforts. Panelists include UCSB Environmental Studies Professor and CEC Board Secretary David N. Pellow, UCSB student activist Alyssa Jain, Society of Fearless Grandmothers member Michal Lynch, filmmaker Joe Gantz, and a student activist from the film. Registration is required to join.

About The Race to Save the World Documentary

The Race to Save the World is an energizing call-to-action to quit waiting on the sidelines and instead join forces with others to make a tangible impact on the climate crisis. A climate change film like no other, filmmaker Gantz explains that by using “inspirational, regular people,” instead of “terrifying facts and paralyzing numbers,” he sought to make a film that would inspire rather than frighten audiences.

About the League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara

As one of 68 Leagues throughout California, the League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara (the League) is a 501(c)(3) charitable trust, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. The primary purpose of the League is to encourage voting by registering voters, providing voter information, and advocating for voting rights. In addition to climate change action and environmental regulation, we support a variety of public policy positions including redistricting, housing and homelessness, criminal justice reform, and other topical issues. The League is fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice, which is central to our organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.

About the Community Environmental Council (CEC)

Recognized as a 2020 California Nonprofit of the Year and 2020 City of Santa Barbara Climate Hero, CEC has worked since 1970 to incubate and innovate real life environmental solutions that directly affect the California Central Coast. Our current work advances rapid and equitable solutions to the climate crisis – including ambitious zero carbon goals, drawdown of excess carbon, and protection against the impacts of climate change. Our programs lead to clean vehicles, solar energy, resilient food systems and reduction of single-use plastic. Learn more about why CEC is one of only five nonprofits in Santa Barbara County to have the highest possible ratings on Charity Navigator and Guidestar at CECSB.org/impact. Find CEC on the web at CECSB.org and on Facebook.com/CECSB, Instagram.com/CEC_SB, Twitter.com/CECSB, and LinkedIn.com/CECSB.

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