Latino Links: Technology Trends

Hispanics online tend to be younger, use the Internet more when making purchasing decisions and prefer English-language online media, according to results from a new survey conducted by AOL Advertising in partnership with the consulting group Cheskin Added Value.

Hispanics have been narrowing the online adoption rate. A previous study has shown that Internet usage among Hispanics climbed to 58 percent in 2009, up from 41 percent in 2002, AOL Advertising reported. During the same time period, the general market reported a 71 percent online adoption rate, up from 57 percent, according to data provided by the PEW Research Center.

However, the new survey offers some specific information on Hispanic online usage based on a telephone survey of 717 Hispanic households across the United States, with 90 of those surveys conducted via cell phone.

The survey found that both offline and online Hispanics tend to be much younger (age 37), compared to the general market (age 46), with 46 percent of online Hispanics under 35 years of age compared to 28 percent of the U.S. Internet population who are under 35.

Hispanics are more enthusiastic about the benefits of the Internet than the general market, use the Internet more when starting the learning process about purchases, learning about brands, where to buy, comparing prices and making final decisions compared to the general market.

While Hispanics draw even with the general market when it comes to accessing the Internet on a personal computer, they are more likely to access the Internet via mobile devices (32 versus 20 percent) and are more likely to access the Internet via gaming devices (18 percent versus 11 percent) than the general market.

The survey also found that Hispanics tend to be early adopters of new media communications formats and technologies (27 versus 13 percent), considered tech experts by friends and family (36 versus 22 percent) and keep up with the latest technology (33 versus 24 percent) compared with the general market.

Online Hispanics tend to prefer English language online media and prefer message that takes into account their backgrounds and experiences.

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— Latino Links provides a periodic update of trends in digital media, education, lifestyle, health, marketing and politics impacting the Latino community. Compiled by


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