Latino Links: Media Trends

Hispanics view the Internet as a virtual “Plaza del Pueblo,” or town square, a place where they can be inspired and motivated to join the conversation, according to a new “Report on Hispanic Digital Influencers” released recently by 360i Digital Connections. The study collected and analyzed the activities of 150 Hispanic digital influencers (bloggers).

360i Digital Connections reports that Hispanics are 37 percent more likely than the general public to publish a blog and 12 percent more likely to visit other blogs, according to research by Nielsen.

Other findings by 360i Digital Connections:

  • Brands that give Hispanics the opportunity to become part of their story will have the most success when it comes to creating meaningful relationships with people.
  • Hispanic influencers who communicate exclusely in Spanish tend to share more promotional and equity content than those who prefer to communicate in English
  • Hispanics influencers are primarily motivated by their shared cultural ties.

Click here for the full study.

— Latino Links provides a periodic update of trends in digital media, education, lifestyle, marketing and politics impacting the Latino community. Compiled by