Latino Links: Media trends

To counter opponents of NBC’s proposed merger with Comcast last year, NBC promoted a number of TV series featuring minorities.

But little more than six months after the approval of the merger by the Federal Communications Commission, some of NBCUniversal’s units have come under fire as advocates claim that the company is not honoring promises that helped pave the way for the merger’s approval, writes Greg Braxton for Hispanic Trending.

“KNBC Channel 4, NBCUniversal’s Los Angeles station, has been targeted by two Latino journalist groups who say the newsroom is discriminating against Latino anchors,”  Braxton wrote. “And NBC’s upcoming fall schedule shows a marked reversal from last season, when the merger was still pending and the network developed “Undercovers” as well as other shows with minorities in major roles, such as “Outlaw,” “The Event” and “Outsourced.” Those series were all casualties of low ratings, and the new pilots show few people of color in leading roles.”

While executives at NBCUniversal said they are aggressively working hard to include more minorities into its fall TV schedule and hire more minorities in the newsroom, some critics say they are still waiting to be convinced.

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— Latino Links provides a periodic update of trends in digital media, education, lifestyle, marketing and politics impacting the Latino community. Compiled by