June 30 — VCCDC’s 6th Annual Homeownership Fair Offers Families Opportunities to Own a Home Even as Home Prices Rise

VENTURA  — In partnership with the City of Ventura, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and the California Department of Business Oversight, Ventura County Community Development Corporation (VCCDC) is hosting its 6th Annual Homeownership & Community Resource Fair on Saturday, June 30th from 11am to 2pm at Mission Park in Downtown Ventura. This annual event – in celebration of National Homeownership Month – aims to introduce prospective homebuyers to information and resources so that they can become successful homeowners or continue to maintain homeownership if they are existing homeowners. The event is free and open to the public and will include booths with information on: free services to improve credit and reduce debt, down payment assistance programs, first time homebuyer loans, refinance programs, realty services for homebuyers and home sellers, and more. The event will also offer the opportunity for community members to obtain information on other topics ranging from child care, small business services, employment services, health, and resources for those affected by the Thomas Fire and/or Montecito Mudslide, including financial assistance grants. All of the information will be offered in a fun family environment which will include free lunch for the first 200 attendees, giveaways, kids’ activities, and music.

In addition, the event will feature Assemblymember Monique Limón as the event keynote speaker. Born and raised in the 37th district, Ms. Limon has worked continuously to serve her community as an educator, leader, and an advocate for causes advancing the quality of life in her community. Other guest speakers include Senator Hanna-Beth Jackson and the office of Congresswoman Julia Brownley.

“With the rising home prices it is more important than ever for VCCDC and its partners to educate our community on the various types of assistance they can take advantage of,” says Bertha Garcia, VCCDC Executive Director. “Many families don’t know about the programs available to help them achieve homeownership and this event aims to change that,” added Garcia.

The VCCDC Home Ownership Center is a non-profit, one-stop-shop where a full circle of services and resources is available to prospective home buyers, including: pre-purchase education and counseling, post-home purchase workshops, realty, and lending services that include down payment assistance programs and more. VCCDC is a certified Community Financial Development Institution (CDFI) and a housing counseling agency approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

VCCDC’s 6th Annual Home Ownership Fair is made possible with the generous support of the following sponsors: Wells Fargo & Insperity (Title Sponsors), Cathay Bank, City National Bank, Comerica Bank, Union Bank, and US Bank (My Home Sponsors), Bank of America, Boston Private, California Bank & Trust, Citi, Rabobank, (My Hope Sponsors) For more information about the Fair or for interviews, please contact Keily Victoria at (805) 273-7800.

About VCCDC: Since 2001, VCCDC has originated an impressive number of mortgage loans, helped families improve their financial well-being and their standard of living, and contributed to improved economic conditions throughout the communities it serves. VCCDC has made measurable impacts on neighborhood revitalization by rehabilitating distressed housing and making that refurbished inventory available to families in need. VCCDC has educated over 3,000 families through group workshops and providing financial counseling to more than 6,000 families.  With the support of its Home Ownership Center’s education and counseling services and affordable loan products and down payment assistance programs VCCDC has helped more than 1,000 families become first-time homebuyers.  In addition, since adding Foreclosure Prevention Counseling as a core line of business in 2007, VCCDC has been able to assist more than 1,600 homeowners in saving their home from foreclosure. VCCDC accomplishes its work in partnership with other community organizations, and is financially supported by private and public funds. Visit us at www.vccdc.org and www.facebook.com/vccdc