Dear Friend,We are in the midst of a Summer of Celebration here at People’s!
Last week saw the Grand Opening of Templeton Place II – 36 units of truly permanently affordable housing for seniors and veterans, some of whom have come directly out of homelessness. $17M of investment went in this development, substantial amounts of which were injected straight into the local economy through construction subcontracting, including with a designated Disabled Veteran Enterprise. Though many challenges and obstacles showed up along the way, partnerships with multiple federal and state agencies and stakeholders from around the local community, made it happen!
Later this summer, we’ll be helping families building through our self-help program ‘go vertical’! As we join them in Nipomo at the ‘Wall Raising’, I’ll be participating in one of the most joyful events on the People’s Calendar. Ten families have begun their journeys towards homeownership, one which will see them staunchly contributing 40 hours of hard work every week, over many months. Such inspiration is worthy indeed of celebration.
Summer celebrations here on the Central Coast stretch late into the year, and in September and October we’ll be holding even more grand openings in San Luis Obispo and in Pismo Beach. So stay tuned, and thank you for the continued support which make these life-changing celebrations possible,

Ken Trigueiro
CEO & President |